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Dances Taught

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Year & Month Taught
td> > td> td> < d>
DW_TW↕ DW_ZM↕ DW_MC↕ Dance Name ↕ Level ↕ Choreographer ↕ Music ↕ Artist ↕ Genre ↕ VID ↕
22/05 22/05 --- 1 + 1 Int 64C-2W Jean-Pierre Madge & Niels Poulsen 1 + 1 Sia Pop Yes
22/04 --- --- 11 Beers Beg/Imp 32C-4W Dan Albro 11 Beers The Reklaws, Jake Owen Ctry Yes
--- 24/05 --- Homecoming Beg 32C-4W Lee Hamilton Homecoming Don Louis Ctry Yes
12/11 --- --- 1st Class Beg 32C-4W Karl-Harry Winson Return To Sender Helmut Lotti Pop Yes$
10/11 10/11 10/11 12 Ounces Beg 32C/4W Junior Willis One Beer Away From Loving You Jamie Tate Ctry Yes
08/09 08/09 --- 1,2,3 Beg/Int 32C-4W Rodeo Rick Legault 1-2-3 El Simbolo Pop No
--- 08/09 08/08 123 Summertime E/Int 64C-4W-1R Roy Verdonk & Wil Bos 1-2-3 El Simbolo Pop Yes$
11/05 11/09 11/09 1-2-3-4 B/Int 64C-2W Niels Poulsen 1-2-3 Ann Tayler Ctry Yes$
10/02 --- --- 15 Minutes B/Int 32C-4W Harlan Curtis 15 Minutes Rodney Atkins Ctry Yes#
--- 10/01 --- 15 Minutes Beg 32C-4W Theresa Needham 15 Minutes Rodney Atkins Ctry Yes
--- 13/02B --- 16 Tons Beg 32C-4W Rob Fowler & Debbie Ellis 16 Tons Leanne Rimes Pop Yes#
--- --- 03/03 1000 Years Or More Beg 4W 32C Martin Ritchie A Love Worth Waiting For Shakin Stevens Pop Yes
24/07 --- --- 3:16 Int 48C-2W Joshua Talbot, Travis Taylor 3:16 Anne Wilson Pop Yes
--- 24/05 --- 11:45 Adv 64C-2W Neville Fitzgerald, Julie Harris Disco Cone (Take It High) Enisa ft, WENZL Pop No
--- 17/07 17/06B 1159 Beg 32C-4W Rachael McEnaney-White 11:59 (Central Standard Time) Railers (The) Pop Yes
05/04 --- 05/04 1814 March B/Int 40C 4W Joe/Penny Barker & Herb/Kathy Dula Battle of New Orleans Sham Rock Pop No$
12/03 12/03 12/05 1929 E/Int 32C-4W-2T Kate Sala & Robbie McGowan Hickie '1929 Tara Oram Ctry Yes#
--- --- 11/07 2 Nite Int 32C-4W Will Craig Give Me Everything Pitbull Pop Yes$
--- --- 09/07 2 Of Us Int 40C-2W Maggie Gallagher Ben/td> Michael Jackson Pop Yes
23/01 --- --- 2-Step Turn"> Ph/Adv 96C 2W AB Shane McKeever Gentry Jones & Mr. Sam Roll It Roll It Pop YesF
--- --- 22/09M 2 Stepping Away Imp 32C 4W 1T Darren Bailey, Rob Fowler & Kate Sala Get Away With It Teddy Robb Ctry Yes
--- --- 23/07 2 Steps Behind Int 88C-4W-PHR Frank Cooper Forever And Always/td> Shania Twain Ctry No
--- 14/05M --- 2-Way Kiss Imp 64C-2W Ria Vos Let’s Kiss Björn Skifs Pop Yes
--- --- 23/10M 21 Forever Int 32C-2W Maggie Gallagher & Gary O'Reilly 21 Forever Dolly Parton Chris Janson Ctry Yes$
08/05 --- --- 30 Seconds Flat I/Adv 32C-4w Rachael McEnaney & Joey Warren Heartbreaker Will I Am Pop Yes#
--- 13/12 14/01M 40 Years Low/Adv 64C-2W Daniel Whittaker 40 Years Tone Damli Pop Yes
--- --- 22/04M 45 Degrees H Beg Ria Vos 45 Fahrenheit Girl Drew Sycamore Pop Yes
--- 23/09 --- 5 Leaf Clover Imp 48C-4W Tina Argyle 5 Leaf Clover Luke Combs Ctry Yes!
10/09 --- --- 5 O'Clock Dance Phr/Int 80C-2W Knox Rhine Five O'Clock Dance Marlee Scott Ctry Yes
11/06 12/01 11/06 5-10-15 Swing! Phr/Int 96C-4W Scott Blevins 5-10-15 Hours Blue Harlem Pop Yes
12/10 12/07 12/08 50 Ways Int 64C-4W-1R Pat Stott 50 Ways To Say Goodbye Train Latin Yes
22/12 --- --- 6's To 9's Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins, Jo Thompson Szymanski 6's To 9's Big Wild Pop Yes
--- 10/03 10/03 649 Int 64C-2W Judy McDonald Swing Baby Swing The DNC Ctry No
13-03 --- --- 6 8 12 Beg 16C-4W Masters In Line 6 Months, 8 Days, 12 Hours Brian McKnight Ctry Yes
--- 12/06 --- 7 Up Int 64C-2W Kate Sala & Robbie McGowan Hickie Seven Nation Army Marcus Collins Pop Yes
--- 16/10M --- 7 Years Old Phr/Int 64C-4W Michael Barr 7 Years Old Lukas Graham Pop Yes
11/11 --- --- 789 Stroll Part 32C-4W Max Perry Call Me Up Trace Adkins Ctry Yes
--- --- 04/03 8-9-10 (Let's Do It Again!) Int 32C-3W-3T Peter Metelnick & Alison Biggs Instant Replay Dan Hartman Pop Yes
--- 18/02B 18/01 85 Phr/I 80C-4W Rachael McEnaney[White & Kerry Maus 85 Andy Grammar Pop Yes
--- --- 23/03 90 Days Int 32C 2W 2R 1T Dustin Betts 90 Days Pink Pop Yes
--- 12/09M --- 99 Years I/EInt 64C-4W-2R-1T Yvonne Anderson Man, Woman Joe Nichols Ctry Yes
22/05 --- --- 100 years Int 64C-2W M Gallagher, G O'Reilly 100 Years HEDEGAARD, Echosmith & Tvilling Pop Yes
10/11 --- --- 2012' Int 64C-2W Shaz Walton 12' Jay Sean Ft Nicki Minaj Pop Yes
--- 16/04M --- About Feelings Int 32C-2W Ria Vos Mixed Drink About Feelings Eric Church Ctry Yes
--- 11/06 --- About That Walk Int/Adv 64C-2W Rachael McEnaney It's About That Walk Prince Pop Yes
94/09 --- --- Achy Breaky Heart Beg 32C/4W Melanie Greenwood Achy Breaky Heart Billy Ray Cyrus Ctry Yes
--- --- 18/02 Acoustic Love Int 32C-4W Fred Whitehouse Till It Hurts by Rico Greene Rico Greene Pop Yes
17/11 17/11M 20/11 Act Like A Man! Int 32C-4W Niels Poulsen You Gotta Not Little Mix Ctry Yes
09/08 --- --- Action Beg/Imp 32C/2W Darren Bailey A Little Less Talk And A Lot More Action Toby Keith Ctry Yes
08/03 07/06 --- Adaptable Beg/Int 32C-4W Frank Trace Trust Yourself Carlene Carter Ctry Yes
--- --- 18/05B Adventure 45 Imp 32C-4W Ria Vos & José miguel Belloque Vane Best Adventure Leaving Thomas Pop Yes
08/07 08/07 --- Add Em Up Beg 32C-2W Bracken Heidenreich Add 'Em All Up Paul Brandt Ctry Yes
00/08 --- --- After Midnight Int 32C-2W Judy McDonald Walkin' After Midnight Groovegrass Boys (The) Ctry Yes
07/02 --- --- After Party Int Maurice Rowe After Party Koffee Brown Pop Yes
--- 2009/08 --- After The Rain Int 64C-4W Karen Hadley Now The Rain Has Gone Alan Connor Pop No
--- 07/08 --- After You Int 48C-4W Peter & Alison After You Beverley Knight Pop No
--- --- 04/10 Again! Int 32C/4W John Robinson Do It To Me Again Soulsearcher Pop Yes
--- --- 17/08 Against All Odds Int 38C-2W Simon Ward Against All Odds Phil Collins Pop Yes
16/10 --- --- Agua Y Fuego Beg 32C-4W-4R Roy Verdonk, Ray Sarlemijn, Daniel Trepat Agua y Fuego Belle Perez World Yes
12/06 12/06 --- Ah Si! Beg 32C/4W Rita Masur Who's Your Daddy Toby Keith Ctry Yes
--- --- 03/08 Ain't Foolin Nobody Int 32C/4W John Growler Rowell You Ain't Foolin Nobody Vince Gill Ctry NVA
--- 12/11T 12/11T Ain't Giving Up Int/Adv 48C-2W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Time For Miracles Adam Lambert Pop Yes
07/11 07/10M 07/10 Ain't Got No Money Int 32C-4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Way I Are (The) Timbaland Pop Yes
--- 08/09M --- Ain't Gotta Hitch Beg/Int 32C-4W Rosie Multari Bounce With Me Kreesha Turner Pop Yes
16/01 15/12 16/01T Ain't Misbehavin Int 48C-4W G. Mundy, J.T. Szymanski & Amy Glass Misbehavin' Pentatonix Pop Yes
--- 24/05 --- Ain't No Mountain H-Beg 32C-4W Karl-Harry Winson Ain't No Mountain High Enough Cascada Pop Yes
--- 14/10T 14/11 Ain't Wot U Do Int 64C-2W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris She Came to Give it To You Usher Ft. Nicki Minaj Pop Yes
14/07 --- 14/07 AK Freak Adv 64C-2W Rachael McEnaney & Guyton Mundy I'm A Freak Enrique Iglesias Pop Yes
--- --- 10/06 Alamo Boom Beg 32C-4W Kay Needham Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom Vengaboys (The) Pop Yes
11/08 11/06 11/06 Alabama Slammin' Int 48C/2W Rachael McEnaney If You Want My Love Laura Bell Bundy Ctry Yes
--- 14/10M 14/10M Alcazar Int 52C-4W R.M Hickie, K-H Winson Blame It On The Disco Alcazar Pop Yes
--- --- 23/06M Alejandros Fire Imp 32C-4W-1R R Sarlemijn & RoHadisubroto, J Dahlgren & R Palerud Larsen Fuego Alejandro Fuentes World Yes
12/03 --- 12/07 Alkeehawl Imp/Int 48C-2W Paul McAdam Last call for Alcohol Microwave Dave and The Nukes Ctry Yes
--- --- 10/06 All About A woman Beg 32C-4W Maggie Gallagher Don't Ask Me About A woman Easton Corbin Pop Yes
--- --- 04/07 All Cried Out Beg Ann Wood I've Cried My Last Tear For You Ricky Van Shelton Ctry NVA
12/08 12/05 --- All Good Beg 32C/4W Kate Sala It's All Good Joe Nichols Ctry Yes
14/04 14/03M 14/02 All I Can Say Int Rachael McEnaney & Simon Ward Beautiful Frankie J Ft. Pitbull Latin Yes
--- --- 24/05 All I Ever Do Imp 48C-2W Vivienne Scott If All I Ever Do Ryan Griffin Ctry Yes$
06/03 --- --- All Jacked Up Beg/Int 32C-4W Christy Fox All Jacked Up Gretchen Wilson Ctry No
17/11 --- 17/10 All Katchi, All Night Long Phr/Int 72C-2W Kerry Maus KATCHI Ofenbach & Nick Waterhouse Pop Yes
07/09 --- --- All My Friends Beg/Int 32C/4W David Pytka All My Friends Luke Bryan Ctry Yes
--- 12/11T --- All My People Int 64C/4W Maggie Gallagher All My People Sasha Lopez Pop Yes
--- --- 06/04 All Of Me Beg 32C 4W Paul Dornstedt All Of Me Anne Murray Pop Yes
98/06 --- --- All Shook Up Adv/Phr 120C/1W Naomi Fleetwood-Pyle All Shook Up Billy Joel or Elvis Ctry Yes
--- 22/04 M --- All Shook Up Int/Adv Dustin Betts All Shook Up Whissell Pop Yes
08/08 08/09 --- All Summer Long Phr/Nov ??C-??W Pim VanGrootel & Daniel Trepat All Summer Long Kid Rock Pop Yes
--- 06/11 --- All That I Am Int 48C 4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris This Life Leanne Rimes Pop <>Yes
--- 18/01B --- All The Same (aka We Danced) Beg 16C-4W Roy Verdonk We Danced Brad Paisley Ctry Yes
06/09 --- --- All The Way Int 64C-4W Robbie McGowan Hickie Do What You Do Bad Boys Blue Pop No
--- --- 22/06M All The Way Gone E/Int 64C/2W Jo & John Kinser, Alison & Peter Halfway to Crazy Rhett Akins Ctry Yes
10/01 10/01 --- All Through The Night Int 32C-2W Roz Morgan Right Kind of Wrong Leann Rimes Ctry No
--- 13/06T --- All Those Yesterdays H-Int 32C-4W Ria Vos All Those Yesterdays Jennifer Hanson Pop Yes
--- 11/06M --- All Worth It Imp 32C-4W Ria Vos Worth It Sam Moore Ctry Yes
11/04 10/06B --- All You Need Beg 32C-4W Robbie McGowan Hickie All You Really Need Is Love Brad Paisley Ctry Yes
93/06 --- --- Alley Cat ?? 64C/*W Donna Aiken Cornell Crawford K.T. Oslin Ctry Yes
07/04 07/02I --- Alone Together Int 64C/2W Peter & Alison Think We're Alone Now (I) Girls Aloud Pop Yes
--- 10/05B --- Alright Girl Beg 32C-4W Frank Trace But It's Alright Huey Lewis & The News Pop Yes
13/11 --- --- Always Alone Int 48C-4W Niels Poulsen Always Alone Clark Anderson Pop Yes
11/03 11/08 --- Always Gold Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins Second Sight Club Des Belugas Pop Yes
--- 09/01 --- Always Have Always Will Beg 32/4W Emily Ding Always Have, Always Will Ace Of Base Pop No
--- --- 24/01M Always Will I-Adv 72C-4W Heather Barton Always Have, Always Will Ace of Base Pop Yes
22/03 23/10 --- Always Humble Beg 32C-4W Willie Brown Humble Ian Munsick/td> Ctry Yes
23/06 Always Will Beg 32C-4W Heather Barton Always Have Always Will Ace of Base Pop Yes
08/06 Am I? Beg/Int 32C/4W Cato Larsen Am I Supposed To Love Again Veronica Akselsen Pop Yes
08/12 08/11 --- Amame E/Int 64C/4W Robbie McGowan Hickie Amame Belle Perez Pop Yes
12/06 12/03 --- Amazing Grace Imp/Nov 32C/4W Rachael McEnaney Amazing Grace Maverick Choir (The) Ctry Yes
--- 13/09B --- Amazing Heart Imp/E Int 32C-4W Frank Trace Crazy Amazing V.V. Brown Pop Yes
06/07 --- --- American Girl B/Int 32C 4W Gary Lafferty XXXs & OOOs Trisha Yearwood Ctry Yes
10/05 --- --- American Honey Beg 32/4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris American Honey Lady Antebellum Ctry Yes
15/03 14/10 American Kids H-Beg 32C-4W Randy Pelletier American Kids Kenny Chesney Ctry Yes
--- 07/02 --- American Pop Int 64C-1W Michel Burton Shake Your Groove Thing Peaches & Herb Pop Yes
09/08 --- --- Amy H/Int 64C/4W Kate Sala If U Seek Amy Britney Spears Pop Yes
07/06 --- --- Angel Imp/Int 32C/2W Guyton Mundy Lips Of An Angel Hinder Pop Yes
--- --- 12/08 Angel By Your Side Imp/Int 32C-4W Jan Wylie Angel By Your Side Francesca Battistelli Pop Yes
--- --- 24/02M Another Breath Beg 32C-4W Rhoda Lai Every Breath You Take Thundatraxx Pop Yes$
04/03 --- --- Another Chance Int 32C/4W Kevin S. & Rena Ward Dance With My Father Luther Vandross Pop Yes
10/01 10/01 --- Another Day Int/Adv 48C-1W Paul McAdam Like You'll Never See Me Again Alicia Keys Pop Yes
--- --- 22/12W Another Heart L-Adv 64C 2W Maggie Gallagher, Gary O'Reilly Another Heart ILIRA Pop Yes
23/01 22/09 --- Another One Bites The Dust Int 64C 2W Ryan Hunt Remember This Alexander Jean Pop Yes
04/07 --- --- Another Quickie Int 32C/4W Joanne Brady Long On Talk, Short On Love Barbara Carr Ctry Yes
--- 17/02 --- Anthem (The) Int/Adv 64C-4W Scott Blevins Anthem (The) Griz Pop Yes
08/11 08/12 --- Any Dream Will Do Nov 32C/4W Gerard Murphy Any Dream Will Do Donny Osmond Pop Yes
--- 22/05B 22/05M Anything Cold With Alcohol Beg 32C-4W Jonno Liberman Anything Cold Thomas Rhett Ctry Yes
10/07 --- --- Aphrodite Int 64C-4W Dee Musk Aphrodite Kylie Minogue Pop Yes
08/02 --- --- Apologize Int 32C/4W Shaz Walton Apologize Timbaland Pop Yes
94/01 --- --- Applejacks Adv 18C-4W Unknown Fresh Coat of Paint Lee Roy Parnell Ctry Yes
05/08 --- --- Apple Pie & Hillbillies Beg 32C 4W Hollis Clark Hillbillies (Love It In The Hay) Hot Apple Pie Ctry Yes
07/05 07/03 --- Arabian Nights Int 48C/2W Marthe Thibeault 1001 Arabian Nights Chipz Pop Yes
--- 11/10 --- Are You Ready Phr/Int 128C-1W Amy Christian-Sohn It's Raining Rain Pop Yes
24/02 23/11 23/11M Around The Fire Int 48C-2W K Sala, C DURAND, D Bailey & G Richard (FR) Old Country Barn James Johnston Ctry Yes
--- 23-09 23/10W Self-Love H/Int 32C-2W Simon Ward Lover Taylor Swift Ctry Yes
05/10 --- --- As Good As I Once Was Beg/Int 32C-4W Helen Born Nita Lindley As Good As I Once Was Toby Keith Ctry
08/03 --- --- As If E/Int 32C/4W Junior Willis As If Sara Evans Ctry No
06/08 --- --- Aspire Beg 48C 4W Bracken & Linda Ellis Born to Be Alive Patrick Hernandez Pop Yes
17/01 --- --- At It Again (Don't Wanna Know Nov 32C-4W Derek Steele, John Robinson Don't Wanna Know Maroon 5 ft. Kendrick Lamar Pop Yes
--- 23/11 --- At Your Worst! Imp 32C-4W Colin Ghys At Your Worst Calum Scott Ctry Yes$
16/01 --- --- Autumn NC2S 32C-4W Fred Whitehouse Autumn Paolo Nutini Pop Yes
15/06 15/04 --- Ay Mama Mia Int 64C-2W-1R Amy Glass & Michele Burton Mama Mia Mayra Veronica Pop Yes
24/03 --- 24/02M Baby Boots AB Beg 32C-4W Rob Holley BOOTS 'N ALL Kaylee Bell Ctry Yes$
--- --- 23/11M Baby Doll Waltz B/Int 48-2W Larry Bass Shake Me I Rattle Lisa Brokop Ctry Yes$
16/04 --- --- Baby Don't Dance Int 64C-1W Jean-Pierre Madge Baby Don't Dance Fleur East Pop Yes
--- 22/11 22/12 Baby I Need You H Int 32C 2W José Miguel Belloque Vane & Roy Verdonk I Need You Jelly Roll Ctry Yes
22/05 --- --- Baby Just Dance Beg/Int 32C-4W Yvonne Krause-Schenck Why Don't We Just Dance Josh Turner World No
09/07 --- --- Baby Rocks Beg 24C-2W Vivienne Scott Baby Rocks Phil Vassar Ctry No
17/10 --- --- Baby Why Not Tonight Beg 32C-4W Kat Painter Why Not Tonight Neal McCoy Ctry Yes
--- 09/10 --- Back It Up Phr/Int ?C-4W Francien Sittrop Back It Up Caro Emerald Pop Yes
--- 18/04 --- Back Road Body Imp 32C-4W Wendy McLean Body Like A Backroad Sam Hunt Ctry No
--- 13/04M --- Back To Black Int 64C-2W Lawrence Allen Back To Black Bryan Keith Pop Yes
13/02 13/02T --- Backtrack Adv 48C-2W Maggie Gallagher Backtrack Rebecca Ferguson Pop Yes
14/08 --- --- Bad Girl That Girl Imp 32C-4W-1T Donna Manning That Girl Jennifer Nettles Ctry Yes
23/05 --- 22/03M Bad Habits Int 64C-2W Maggie Gallagher Gary O'Reilly Bad Habits Ed Sheeran Pop Yes
--- 15/04M Badda Badda Swing Int 48C-2W Daniel Whittaker & Simon Ward Don't Dance (I) Corbin Bleu & Lucas Grabeel Pop Yes
24/01 --- 24/01M Bam! Imp 32C-4W José Miguel Belloque Vane (NL), Tim Johnson (UK) & Rebecca Lee Bam! (Chill Remix) KELSON & LÒNIS Pop Yes$
--- --- 22/06 Bam Bam Imp 32C-4W Amy Christian Bam Bam Camila Cabello World Yes
--- 15/03T --- Bang Phr/Int 96C-2W Rhoda Lai Bang Bang Jessie J, Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj Pop Yes
--- 22/08 22/08W Bare My Soul Int 32C-2W Darren Bailey, Fred Whitehouse, Roy Verdonk & Daniel Trepat Hot Mess Thunder Mother Pop Yes
22/05 --- --- Bar Song (A) Beg 32C-4W Ben Murphey A Bar Song (Tipsey) Shaboozey Ctry Yes!
--- 13/04T --- Bass (The) Int 64C-4W Ria Vos Never Played The Bass Nabiha Pop Yes
--- 23/03 --- Be A Better Man Imp 32C 2W 3R José Miguel Belloque Vane & Roy Verdonk Gettin' You Home Chris Young Ctry Yes
--- 18/04 18/04B Be Alright Imp 32C-4W John Robinson Everything's Gonna Be Alright David Lee Murphy & Kenny Chesney Ctry Yes
08/03 --- --- Be Brave Int 64C-4W Robbie McGowan Hickie Brave Jennifer Lopez Pop No
--- 16/10B --- Be Happy Now Beg 32C-4W Roy Verdonk & Sebastiaan Holtland Don't Worry Be Happy Overtones (The) Pop Yes
--- 13/01T --- Be Home Soon Int 64C-2W Ria Vos Better Be Home Soon George Canyon Ctry Yes
13/07 13/06 --- Be My Baby Now Int 64C-4W Rachael McEnaney & Vicky St. Pierre Be My Baby Leslie Grace Pop Yes
15/03 --- --- Beast of Burden Adv 64C-2W-2R Roy Verdonk Beast Of Burden Little Texas Ctry Yes
07/07 --- --- Beat Me Daddy Beg 48C-4W Jackie Follett (Beat Me Daddy) Eight To The Bar by The Dean Brothers Dean Brothers (The) Ctry Yes
16/07 --- --- Beautiful Drug I/Adv 32C-4W-4T Keri Lyn Muszik & Darren Martin Beautiful Drug Zac Brown Band Ctry
--- 14/11M --- Beautiful Goodbye Int 32C-4W Michael Barr Beautiful Goodbye Maroon 5 Pop Yes
--- 12/12B --- Belle of Liverpool (The) E-Int 64C-2W Audrey Watson Belle of Liverpool (The) Derek Ryan Gaelic Yes
--- 14/12M --- Beneath It All Phr/Int 32C-2W-2R Amy Glass Try Colbie Caillat Pop Yes
--- 11/08 --- Best Thing Imp/Int 64C-4W Frank Trace Best Thing About Me Is You (The) Ricky Martin & Joss Stone Pop Yes
--- 23/05 23/08W Best To Come Int 32C-2W-1R-1T Gauillaume Richard Winson & Jamie Barnfield The Best Is Yet To Come Ray Dalton Pop Yes$
--- 13/07T --- Better Believe Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins You Don't Have to Believe Me Eric Hutchinson Pop Yes
15/11 15/11T --- Better When I'm Dancin Int 64C-2W-1R Julia Wetzel Better When I'm Dancin' Meghan Trainor Pop Yes
--- 22/07 22/07 Betty Davis Eyes Beg 28C-2W Jamie Barnfield Bette Davis Eyes Jackie DeShannon Pop Yes
16/02 16/01B --- Big Blue Tree Beg 32C-4W Ria Vos Big Blue Tree Michael English Ctry Yes
--- 11/08 --- Big Easy (The) Beg 32C-4W Rose Grant Runaround Sue Del Shannon Pop
--- --- 22/10W Big Energy Int 32C 4W 1R Scott Blevins, Tim Johnson Big Energy Latto & Marish Carey Pop Yes
07/09 07/07 Big Love Beg/Int 32C-4W-1T Robbie McGowan Hickie/td> Big One (The) George Strait Ctry Yes
16/06 --- --- Billy Be Bad EZ Beg 32C-4W Modern Soles Billy Be Bad George Jones Ctry Yes
08/11 --- --- Billy Jean Beg 32C-4W Raymond Sarlemijn & Wild Horse Saloon Billie Jean Michael Jackson Pop Yes
--- 18/03B --- Bit Lit (A) Imp 32C-4W Norm Gifford Lit Trace Adkins Ctry Yes
11/10 --- 22/11 Bittersweet Memory Int 32C-4W Ria Vos Clouds David Nail Pop Yes
--- 12/07 --- Black & Blue Int/Adv 64C-2W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Black & Blue Paloma Faith Pop Yes
16/08 --- --- Black And White Adv 48C-2W-3R Dee Musk Black And White Shires (The) Pop Yes
--- 16/12M --- Black Betty's Worldwide Beg 32C-2W June Shuman Black Betty's Worldwide Xenia Ghali Pop Yes
--- 12/11T --- Black Eyed Boy Int 64C-4W Daniel Whittaker Ojos Negros Patricia Manterola Latin Yes
--- 12/08T --- Black Heart Int Kate Sala Black Heart Stooshe Pop Yes
05/05 05/05 --- Black Horse Int 32C 4W 2R Kate Sala Black Horse And The Cherry Tree K.T. Tunstall Pop Yes
--- 15/09M --- Black Magic Int 64C-2W-1R-1T Alison Biggs & Peter Metelnick Black Magic Little Mix Pop Yes
--- --- 24/11-WC Yes$
12/05 12/05 --- Blarney Roses (The) Imp 32C-2W Maggie Gallagher Where The Blarney Roses Grow Willoughby Brothers (The) Pop Yes
--- --- 23/05W Blindsided Adv 102C-2W Gary O'Reilly & Maggie Gallagher Blindsided Charlotte Leigh Pop Yes
--- --- 21/12W Blood On A Rose L-Adv 96C-2W Simon Ward Niels Poulsen Blood On A Rose Everybody Loves An Outlaw Ctry No
--- --- 24/10M Blowin' Smoke Beg 32C 4W Wryn Best Blowin' Smoke Wryn Best Ctry Yes$
17/01 17/01T 24/06WC Blue Ain't Your Color Int 48C-4W Roy Verdonk & José Miguel Belloque Vane Blue Ain't Your Color Keith Urban Ctry Yes
--- 08/03 --- Blue Finger Lou P/Int/Adv 80C-4W Max Perry & AT Kinson Blue Finger Lou Anne Murray Pop Yes
15/10 --- --- Blue Lights Chasing I/Adv 24C-4W Joey Warren We Went Randy Houser Ctry Yes
10/08 10/11 --- Blue Night Cha Beg 32C-4W Kim Ray Blue Night Michael Learns To Rock Pop Yes
--- 13/07B --- Blue Over Me Imp 32C-4W Francien Sittrop Blue Derek Ryan Ctry Yes
13/06 13/12B --- Blurred Lines Adv 64C-2W Rachael McEnaney & Arjay Centeno Blurred Lines Robin Thicke Pop Yes
--- 13/12B Blurry Lines Beg Alison Johnstone Blurred Lines Robin Thicke Pop Yes
08/02 --- --- Blusher Beg 32c-4w Kate Sala Jambalaya Eddy Raven Pop Yes
10/05 10/05 --- Bobbi With An I E-Int 48C-2W/td> Rachael McEnaney Bobbi With An I Phil Vassar Ctry Yes
14/09 14/10T --- Body Goes Boom Int/Adv 48C-4W Rachael McEnaney Boom Boom Justice Crew Pop Yes
17/05 --- --- Bollywood 45 Beg 32C-4W-2R-2T Guillaume RICHARD & Jose M Belloque Vane Love You Zindagi (club mix) Amit Trivedi & Alia Bhatt World Yes
15/11 15/06B --- Bomp (The) Imp 64C-2W Kim Ray Who Put The Bomp Overtones (The) Pop Yes
07/05 --- --- Bomshel Stomp L-Int 48C-2W Jamie Marshall & Karen Hedges Bomshel Stomp Bomshel Pop Yes
22/02 --- --- Bone Dry Beg 32C-4W Lene Mainz Pedersen Bone Dry Ramblin Boots Ctry Yes
07/05 --- --- Boo Boo's Bounce Int/Adv 32C-4W Scott Blevins Bounce T-Bone Pop Yes
--- --- 24/01M Boogie Wonderland Int 32C-4W Gary Lafferty Boogie Wonderland Hear'Say/td> Pop Yes$
--- 08/02 --- Boogie Woogie Beg 48C-4W Patricia E. Stott Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Marie Osmond Pop Yes
17/04 17/04T --- Boom Pow Int 32C-4W-2R Scott Blevins & Jo Thompson Szymanski Boom Pow Alexander Stan Pop Yes
13/03 13/05T --- Boom Sh-Boom Int/Adv 32C-4W Rachael McEnaney Boom Sh-Boom Martin Sexton Pop Yes
93/01 --- --- Boot Scootin' Boogie Beg 28C-4W Unknown Boot Scootin Boogie Brooks & Dunn Ctry Yes
09/11 --- --- Boots On Beg 32C-2W Bayley Brown Boots On Randy Houser Ctry Yes
13/06 --- --- Booty Chuk Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins & Lou Ann Schemmel Tonite Addictiv Pop Yes
06/10 --- --- Bop The B Beg 48C 4W Kathy Brown & Linda Bowers Bob The B Billy Swan Pop Yes
16/12 17/03B 23/11 Bored Beg 32C-4W Ria Vos Bored To Death Eric Hutchinson Pop Yes
1998/03 --- --- Born To Boogie Int 96C-4W Ian St.Leon Born To Boogie Hank Williams Jr. Ctry No
15/04 15/04 --- Bo$$ Int-32C-4W Scott Blevins & Maria Magg Bo$$ Fifth Harmony Pop Yes
07/04 --- --- Bosa Nova Beg/Int 64C-4W Phil Dennington Blame It On The Bosa Nova Jane McDonald Pop Yes
08/10 08/10 --- Bossy Int/Adv 64C-4W Michele Perron Bossy Lindsay Lohan Pop Yes
15/07 --- --- Boston Strong Beg 40C-2W CNTRA Mimi Leary Sweet Caroline Neil Diamond Pop Yes
--- 13/02B --- Bottle of Wine Beg 48C-4W Dawn Rathburn I'll Take It From There Chris Young Ctry Yes
22/06 22/06 22/05 Bottom of the Bottle Beg 30C-4W Gary O'reilly Bottom of the Bottle Derek Ryan Ctry Yes
--- 23/10 --- Bow Chika Wow It Int 32C-4W Dustin Betts, Cody Flowers & Joey Warren Bow Chika Wow It Kali J & LiTTiE Pop Yes$
10/12 10/09 --- Box It Up Int 32C-4W Craig Bennett Box Of Secrets Zarif Pop Yes
15/02 15/09B --- Boy Girl Thing Imp 32C-4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Boy & A Girl Thing Mo Pitney Ctry Yes
15/12 15/12 16/01 Boys Like You Int 48C-4W Rachael McEnaney-White Boys Like You Meghan Trainor & Ariana Grande Pop Yes
12/08 12/08 --- Boys Will Be Boys Int 64C-2W Rachael McEnaney Boys Will Be Boys Paulina Rubio Pop Yes
14/03M 14/03M --- Brave Int 48C-4W R. Palmer, L. Hilbert & L. Dennis Brave Sara Bareilles Pop Yes
08/11 08/12 --- Brazil Beg 32C-2W Frank Trace Brazil Bellini Pop Yes
06/07 06/07T 23/09 Break Free Cha I/Adv 64C 4WPHR Scott Blevins Want To Break Free (I) Queen Pop Yes
--- 22/04I 22/05W Break Into My Heart Int 32C-2W Darren Bailey Break Into My Heart Daughtry Pop Yes
--- 09/12 --- Break The Dawn Int 48C-4W Neville Fitzgerald, Paul McAdam & Peter Metelnick We Break The Dawn Michelle Williams Remix Ft. Flo Rida Pop Yes
--- 09/10 --- Break Your Heart Int/Adv 64C-2W Shaz Walton Break Your Heart/td> Taio Cruz Pop Yes
--- 09/02 --- Breakin Dishes Beg/Int 32C-4W Michele Perron Breakin' Dishes Rihanna Pop Yes
24/03 --- --- Breathe Int 32C-2W Simon Ward Breathe Faith Hill Pop Yes
--- --- 24/01M Breathe Cha Adv 32C-2W José Miguel Belloque Vane (NL) & Tim JohnsonWinson Breathe Parah Dice & Brianna Pop Yes$
--- 12/05T Breathing Int 64C-2W Francien Sittrop Breathing Jason Derulo Pop Yes
13/04 12/12M --- Breathless Int 64C-2W Karl-Harry Winson Catch My Breath Kelly Clarkson Pop Yes
07/07 07/07 --- Bridge Over Troubled Water Int 64C-2W Peter & Alison Bridge Over Troubled Water (Love To Infinity Radio Mix) by Hannah Jones Pop Yes
07/01 --- --- Brighter Day Int 32C-4W Michele Perron Brighter Day George Huff Pop Yes
--- 11/08 --- Bring Me Sunshine Phr/Imp 64C-4W Darren Bailey & Roy Verdonk Bring Me Sunshine Jive Aces (The) Pop Yes
18/05 --- --- Bring Me The Night Int/Adv 32-2W-2R-1T Rhoda Lai Bring me the Night Sam Tsui Pop Yes
--- 12/03T --- Bring Me To Life Int 64C-2W Ria Vos Bring Me To Life Katherine Jenkins Pop Yes
--- 24/01 24/01M Bringing It Back Imp 32C-4W Fred Whitehouse We're Bringing It Back Tina Parol Pop Yes
--- --- 22/11M Broke Beg 32C 4W Michelle Wright Broke Teddy Swims, Thomas Rhett Ctry Yes
--- 09/03 --- Broken Glass Int 64C-4W Scott Blevins Found A New Love Bryn Christopher Pop Yes
--- 09/12 --- Broken Heels Int 64C-2W Jo & John Kinser & Mark Furnell Broken Heels Alexandra Burke Ctry Yes
10/04 --- --- Broken Stones Beg 32C-4W Dee Musk Broken Stones Paul Weller Ctry Yes
--- --- 24/06W Broken Soul Imp 32C-2W Niels Poulsen, Simon Ward Her To Here Alex Hall Ctry Yes
--- 08/07 --- Brother Louie Int 32C-4W Geri Morrison Brother Louie Modern Talking Pop Yes
11/10 --- --- Brown Chicken Brown Cow Beg 32C-4W Ed Royko Brown Chicken Brown Cow Trace Adkins Ctry Yes
--- 13/03M --- Bruises E/Int 32C-4W Niels Poulsen Bruises Train Pop Yes
15/01 15/01T --- Bubbles Dahhhling Int 96C-2W-1R-1T Simon Ward & Niels Poulsen Break Free Ariana Grande, Ft/ Zedd Pop Yes
10/07 10/08 --- Bug Dance (The) Beg 48C-4W Francien Sittrop Do The Bug With Me Billy Bland Pop Yes
17/01 --- --- Built To Last Imp 64C-4W Tina Argyle Under The Hood Billy Ray Cyrus Ctry Yes
13/09 --- --- Bullfrog On A Log Beg 32C-4W Cef Decaney Got A Feeling Tim Hicks Ctry Yes
06/08 --- --- Bumpin' & A Swingin" B/Int 32C 4W Double Trouble Tail on The Tailgate Neal McCoy Ctry No
11/03 11/02 --- Burlesque Int 64C-4W Norman Gifford Welcome To Burlesque Cher Pop Yes
10/11 10/10 --- Burn It Down Int 64C-4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris DJ Got Us Fallin'In Love Usher Ft. Pitbull Pop Yes
10/09 10/07 --- Burn It Up Int 64C-4W Robbie McGowan Hickie Burn It Up Jessie James Pop Yes
11/03 --- --- Bust A Move Beg 32C-4W Jo & John Kinser/P Sobrielo Bust A Move Glee Cast Pop Yes
09/11 --- --- But I Do Beg 64C-4W Patricia E. Stott But I Do Charlie Pride Ctry No
05/05 --- --- Buy Me A Drink Beg 32C 2W Maggie Gallagher Do You Still Wanna Buy Me That Drink Lorrie Morgan Ctry Yes
12/08 12/07 --- Buzz Me H-Beg 32C-2W Frank Trace Buzz Buzz Buzz Huey Lewis & The News Pop Yes
04/05 --- --- Bye Bye Piccolissima Int 48C-4W Kate Sala Bye Bye David Civera Pop Yes
13/03 --- --- C.O.U.N.T.R.Y L/Int 32C-4W Guyton Mundy C.O.U.N.T.R.Y LoCash Cowboys Ctry Yes
09/02 --- --- Cabos San Lucas Beg 32C-4W Rep Ghazali Cabos San Lucas Toby Keith Ctry Yes
09/09 --- --- Cadillacs and Caviar Beg 32C-2W Sue Ann Ehmann Different Kind Of Fine Zac Brown Ctry
16/02 16/02T --- Cake By The Ocean Phr/Int 96C-4W-3T Scott Blevins Cake By The Ocean DNCE Pop Yes
11/03 --- --- California King Ph-I/Adv 48C-4W Debbie McLaughlin California King Bed Rihanna Pop Yes
--- 12/05 --- Call Me Maybe Int 32C-4W Craig Bennett Call Me Maybe Carly Rae Jepsen Pop Yes
--- --- 21/12M Call You Mine Imp 32C-2W Fred Whitehouse What A time To Be Alive George Pelham Pop Yes
11/03 10/11 --- Calypso Mexico Imp 64C-4W Ria Vos Calypso Mexico Bouke World Yes
--- --- 24/11-W Yes$
--- 16/11B --- Can You 2 Step Beg 32C-4W Frank Trace Pick Me Up On Your Way Down Teea Goans Ctry Yes
--- 15/04B --- Canadian Man Int 32C-4W Gerard Murphy Canadian Man Paul Brandt Ctry No
--- --- 24/03 Can't Catch Me Int 32C-4W Tim Johnson & Jean-Pierre Madge Catch Me If You Can Joseph Luca Pop Yes
--- 18/05 --- Can't Cry Pretty Int 48C-4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Cry Pretty Carrie Underwood Ctry Yes
16/09 --- Can't Do This (I) Int 32C-4W Darren Bailey Can't Do This (I) Vince Gill Ctry Yes
--- --- 24/02 Can't Pass The Bar E/Int 48C-4W Darren Bailey Can't Pass The Bar Scotty McCreery Ctry Yes
06/11 --- --- Can't Stop A River Int 48C-4W Peter & Alison Can't Stop A River Duncan James Pop
07/11 --- --- Candyman Int 36C-4W Tina Argyle Candyman Christina Aguilera Pop
--- --- 24/01M Card You Gamble (The) H-Imp 32C-2W Gary O'Reilly Same Heartbreak Different Day Monarch Cast & Caitlyn Smith/td> Pop Yes$
05/10 08/07 --- Careless Whisper Int 32C-2W Paul McAdam Careless Whisper Kenny G Featuring Brian McKnight Pop Yes
11/07 10/12 --- Carrickfergus H/Int 32C-2W Malene Jakobsen Carrickfergus Ronan Hardiman World Yes
16/05 --- --- Carry You Home Int 96C-2w Fred Whitehouse Carry You Home Music of Nashville (The) Ctry Yes
08/04 08/04 --- Catch The Rain B/Int 64C-4W Peter & Alison Sunshine In The Rain BWO Pop Yes
04/11 --- --- Caught In The Act Int 64C-4W Ann Wood Who's Been Sleeping In My Bed Glenn Frey Pop
14/08 14/09B --- Caught In The Moonlight Beg 48C-4W Rachael McEnaney Caught In The Moonlight Si Cranstoun Pop Yes
15/02 15/06 --- Celebrate Phr/Int 96C-2 Guyton Mundy & Will Craig Celebrate Pitbull Pop Yes
07/11 09/10 --- Celebration Imp 32C-4W Jo & John Kinser Celebration Madonna Pop
07/11 --- --- Celebration Int 48C-4W Kate Sala & Robbie McGowan Hickie Heroes Helena Paparizou Pop Yes
14/04 14/04T --- Cha Cha Burn Phr/Adv 80C-4W -1R Jo Thompson Szymanski & Scott Blevins Burn Kulay Pop Yes
11/03 11/04 --- Cha Cha When Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins Quando Quando Quando Fergie Pop Yes
--- 16/11M --- Chain Breaker Int Regina Hayes Chain Breaker Zach Williams Pop Yes
17/07 17/05 17/12 Champagne Promise Beg 32C 4W 1T Tina Argyle Champagne Promise David Nail Pop Yes
17/04 17/03 --- Change My Ways Adv 48C-4W Jose miguel Belloque Vane, Roy Verdonk Change My Ways Mike Zito World Yes$
07/09 --- --- Charanga B/Int 32C-4W Rachael McEnaney La Charanga Cubaila Pop Yes
12/08 --- --- Charleston Swing E/Beg 64C-2W Rosalee Musgrave Hey, Has Anybody Seen My Sweet Gypsy Rose Tony Orlando & Dawn Pop Yes
17/04 --- Chase That Dollar Phr/Adv 72C-4W-1T Dustin Betts Expensive Tori Kelly Pop Yes
22/05 --- 22/03 W Chasing Shots Imp 32C-2w Madison Glover Simon Ward Chaser Taylor Moss Pop Yes
13/05 12/12B --- Cheap Talk Beg 64C-4W Gaye Teather Talk Is Cheap Alan Jackson Ctry Yes
04/07 --- 23/11 Cheek to Cheek B/Int 64C-2W Rob Fowler Cheek To Cheek Glenn Rogers Pop Yes
08/08 08/07 --- Cheeky Cha E/Int 32C-4W Kate Sala & Robbie McGowan Hickie Let The Games Begin DJ Bobo Pop Yes
14/11 14/10T --- Cheesecake Adv 32C-3W Blevins, McEnaney and Warren Cheesecake Teo Pop Yes
10/01 10/02 --- Chica Boom Boom H/Beg/ 32C-4W Vikki Morris Boom Boom Goes My Heart Alex Swings Oscar Sings Pop Yes
24/01 23/11 23/10M Chicag-uh-oh Int 48C-2W Simon Ward, Fiona Murray & Fred Whitehouse Uh-Oh Jeremy Fisher Pop Yes$
14/11 14/11T --- Chicago Bonfire Int 40C-2W-3R D McLaughlin, Belloque Vane & Ria Vos Gasoline & Matches LeAnn Rimes, Rob Thomas & Jeff Beck Pop Yes
24/01 --- --- Chicag uh oh Int 48C 2W Simon Ward, Fiona Murray & Fred Whitehouse Uh Oh Jeremy Fisher Pop Yes$
--- 18/03 --- Chicken Truck Beg 32C-2W Rick Todd Chicken Truck Shane Owens Ctry Yes
04/06 --- --- Chihuahua Beg 32C-1W Audrey Watson Chihuahua DJ Bobo Pop
04/04 --- --- Chill Factor Int 48C-4W Daniel Whittaker & Hayley Westhead Last Night Chris Anderson Ctry Yes
01/11 --- --- Chingford Cha Cha Int 64C-4W Michele Perron Unbreak My Heart Johnny Mathis Pop
13/02 --- --- Choo Choo Cha Boogie L/Int 48C-2W John Robinson & Jo Thompson Szymanski Choo Choo Cha Boogie Scooter Lee Ctry Yes
--- 17/03M --- Chunky Int 32C-4W-2W Caroline Pillar Chunky Bruno Mars Pop Yes
07/11 --- --- Christmas Everyday B/Int 64C-4W Kathy Hunyadi Why Couldn't It Be Christmas Everyday Bianca Ryan Pop
07/11 --- --- Christmas Rock Beg 32C-4W Kelly Haugen Christmas Rock Toby Keith Ctry
--- 13/04T --- Clap For The DJ Int 64C-4W Ria Vos Tonight I’m Your DJ Ida Corr Pop Yes
13/09 13/11M --- Clap Happy Int 64C-4W Shaz Walton Happy Pharrell Williams Pop Yes
17/06 17/10 --- Clap Snap Int 96C-1W Philip Sobrielo, Rebecca Lee Clap Snap Icona Pop Pop Yes
--- 17/05 --- Clapeezy Beg 32C-4W-3T Forty Arroyo Handclap Fitz & The Tantrums Pop Yes
07/02 --- --- Clap Your Hands Beg 32C-2W Vivienne Scott My Dear Botanist Dyana & Matalya Syenchukov Pop
10/12 10/12 --- Cleveland Shuffle Imp 40C-4W Big Mucci Mooch Cleveland Shuffle(Club Mix) 71 North & Cleveland Shuffle Pop Yes
15/10 15/10M Cliche Love Song Int 2W-3R-2T Jo Thompson Szymanski, Guyton Mundy, John Robinson Cliche Love Song Basim Pop Yes
10/12 10/12 --- Cline's 'A Walkin' Beg 32C-4W Jeanie Kotlik Walkin’ After Midnight Patsy Cline Ctry Yes
--- 23/03 M --- Close Call Int 32C-4W-1R-1T Ryan Hunt Call Me Lowdown Grass Band Pop Yes ?
03/02 --- --- Closer B/Int 32C-4W Mary Kelly Closer Susan Ashton Ctry
11/03 --- --- Coastin' B/Int 40C-4W Ray & Tina Yoeman Lord Of The Dance Ronan Hardiman Pop Yes
19/03 Codigo Beg Pat Stott Codigo George Strait Ctry Yes
--- 24/04 24/03 Cojo Turbo Int 32C-2W Cody Flowers, Joey Warren Turbo Tina Parol Pop Yes&
09/01 09/02 --- Cokernut Waltz Beg 48C-2W Karen Spencer Somebody Loves You (That's Me) Scooter Lee Ctry Yes
--- 18/05 --- Cold Feet E/Int 48C-4W Gary O'Reilly Cold Feet Tenille Arts Pop Yes
22/02 23/05 21/10 Cold Heart Imp 32C-4W Maddison Glover/td> Cold Heart Elton John & Dua Lipa Pop Yes
--- --- 22/11W Color Me Crazy Int 32C 2W Tim Johnson & Joey Warren Color Me Crazy SONNY OH! Rap Yes
--- 18/04 --- Come Alive P/Adv 152C-1W Shane McKeever, Rachael McEnaney-White Come Alive Hugh Jackman, Keala Settle Pop Yes
12/03 12/03 --- Come Back My Love Beg 32C-2W Juliet Lam Come Back My Love Overtones (The) Pop Yes
16/11 --- --- Come Home Int 48C-2W-1R-1T Gary O'Reilly Come Home Glenn & Ronan Pop Yes
10/11 10/11 --- Come On Everybody Beg 32C-4W Double Trouble, Cathy & Kathy That's Rock And Roll Shaun Cassidy Pop Yes
--- --- 24/10W Come To Dance Ctra 32C-1W Severin Filion Carry Me Back To Virginia Old Crow Medicine Show Ctry Yes$
13/04 13/04T --- Come Together 2013 P/Adv< 56C-1W/td> Debbie McLaughlin Come Together Michael Jackson Pop Yes
06/03 06/02 --- Come Tomorrow Int 32C-4W Michele Perron Come Tomorrow Barbra Streisand and Barry Gibb Pop
--- --- 24/05W Comfortable Int 48C-4W Marlon Ronkes (NL) & Romain Brasme Comfortable Victor Ray Pop Yes$
23/02 --- 23/02 Coming Back Stronger Adv 80C 2W PHR Shane McKeever Coming Back Stronger Silverberg & Sarah Reeves Ctry Yes
15/10 15/11M --- Confident Int/PHR-64C-4W-2T Amy Glass & Darren Bailey Confident Demi Lovato Pop Yes
22/05 --- 21/11M Contigo With Me Int 48C-2W Gary O'Reilly Contigo Belle Perez Latin Yes
09/06 09/07 --- Coochie Bang Bang H/Int 64C-4W Scott Blevins Miss Kiss Kiss Bang (Radio Version) Alex Swings Oscar Sings! Pop Yes
09/07 09/07 --- Cool Chick E/Int 64C-4W Robbie McGowan Hickie Please Mama Please Go Cat Go Pop Yes
11/06 10/10 --- Cooler Than Me Beg Frank Trace Cooler Than Me Mike Posner Pop Yes
--- 13/12T --- Coolio Int/Adv 48C-2W Rachael McEnaney & RJ Centeno 1,2,3,4 Sumpin' New Coolio Pop Yes
16/08 --- --- Corazon Diamante Int 48C-2W-2R Roy Verdonk, Maggie Gallagher, Gary O'Reilly Duele El Corazon Enrique Iglesias Latin Yes
--- 13/02B --- Couldn't Live Without You Beg 32C-4W Sue Smyth Couldn't Live Without You (I) Petula Clark Pop Yes
08/08 --- --- Count Me In! ??? 32C-4W Peter Metelnick Five,6,7,8 Steps (The) Pop
06/09 --- --- Country 2 Step Beg 40C-2W Masters In Line Just Want My Baby Back (I) Jerry Kilgore Ctry
09/03 09/01 11/03 Country As Can Be Beg 32C-4W Suzanne Wilson Country As A Boy Can Be Brady Seals Ctry Yes
08/07 --- --- Country Girl B/Int 32C-4W Rob Fowler Country Girl Rissi Palmer Ctry Yes
10/06 10/07 --- Country Hitch Beg 32C-4W Vivienne Scott Pretty Drunk Out Tonight George Canyon Ctry Yes
21/02 ----- 22/07M Country In 3 Int 32C-4W Burton, Glover, Szymanski Country In Me Lauren Alaina Ctry Yes
--- 23/03 23/03M Country Nights H Beg 48C 2W Maggie Gallagher, Gary O'Reilly Stay The Night Sean Fahy Ctry Yes
09/01 --- --- Country Pride B/Int 40C-4W Ed White Tough Love Bellamy Brothers (The) Ctry
--- 23/09 22/10M Country Touch I/Int 32C 2W 2R Fred Whitehouse, Darren Bailey Country Boys James Johnston Ctry Yes
14/04 --- --- Counting Stars Int 80C-2W Simon Ward Counting Stars OneRepublic Pop Yes
10/01 --- --- Covered In Kisses Beg 32C-4W Michele Burton & Michael Barr Gotta Get To You (I) George Strait Ctry Yes
09/10 --- --- Cowboy Casanova L/Int 32C-4W Michael W Diven Cowboy Casanova Carrie Underwood Ctry
08/10 07/03 --- Cowboy Charleston Beg 16C-4W Jeanette Hall & Tonya Miller Delores Mavericks (The) Ctry
--- --- 23/10M Cowboy Don't Imp 64C-4W Verdonk, Weisburd & Sebastiaan Holtland Cowboy Don't Breland Ctry Yes$
--- 11/05 --- Cowboy Up I/Adv 32C-4W Shannon Finnegan Cowboy Up Jill Johnson Ctry Yes
--- 04/12 --- Crabbuckit Int 32C-4W Gerard Murphy Crabbuckit K-OS Pop Yes
--- 15/09B --- Crackers Nov 32C-4W Guerric Auville Crackers Sara Evans Ctry No
13/08 13/04M --- Crank It Up Int 64C-2W Daniel Whittaker Crank It Up David Guetta, Ft. Akon Pop Yes
09/08 --- --- Cranky E/Int 32C-4W Robbie McGowan Hickie Crank It Up Ashley Tisdale Ctry Yes
16/10 16/12T --- Crash Int 64C-?W Fred Whitehouse Crash Usher Pop Yes
16/10 16/10B --- Crash and Burn Beg 32C-4W Gail Smith Crash and Burn Thomas Rhett Ctry Yes
24/01 --- --- Crash and Burn Beg 32C-4W Inge Vestergard Crash and Burn Thomas Rhett Ctry Yes
16/07 --- --- Crash and Burn (Ooh Aah) B/Imp 32C-4W Nick Keys and Rick Dominguez Crash and Burn Thomas Rhett Ctry Yes
--- 06/06 --- Crazy Int 32C-4W Neville Fitzgerald Crazy Gnarls Barkley Pop
11/03 10/04 --- Crazy Devils H/Beg L/Int 64C-2W Mundy,Fowler,Bennett Devils On The Loose Rednecks (The) Ctry Yes
08/03 --- --- Crazy Foot Mambo Imp 32C-2W Paul McAdam If You Wanna Be Happy Dr Victor & the Rasta Rebels Pop Yes
--- 22/04I 22/04W Crazy In Line P/Int 64C=2W J Warren, M Glover & Simon Ward Crazy Drax Project Pop Yes
16/02 --- --- Crazy Love Imp 48C-4W-1R Double Trouble Die A Happy Man Thomas Rhett Ctry No
14/08 14/10T --- Crazy Stupid Love Int 64C-2W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Crazy Stupid Love Cheryl Cole Pop Yes
--- --- 22/05M Crazy What Love Can Do B/Imp 32C-4W Julia Wetzel Crazy What Love Can Do David Guetta, Becky Hill & Ella Henderson Ctry Yes
08/12 08/11 --- Creepin H/Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins Creeps (The) Camille Jones vs. Fedde Le Grand Pop Yes
12/06 12/06 --- Creepin Up On You Int 48C-4W Peter & Alison Creepin' Up On You Darren Hayes Pop Yes
--- --- 22/10M Crispy Chicken H/Im-32C-4W-2R-1T Brandon Zahorsky Praise The Lord Breland ft. Thomas Rhett Ctry Yes
--- 24/03 24/02 Cross My Heart E-Imp 48C-4W Karl-Harry Winson Don't Be Cruel Elvis Presley Pop Yes
--- --- 22/11M Crowded Mind Imp 48C-2W Shane McKeever & Niels Poulsen Crowde My Mind Brett Eldridge Ctry Yes
08/05 --- --- Cruisin B/Int 32C-1W Neil Hale Still Cruisin' Beach Boys (The) Pop Yes
01/05 --- --- Cruisin' B/Int 32C-4W Victor van der Meer Cruisin' Gwyneth Paltrow & Huey Lewis Pop
13/06 13/04B --- Cry Cry Cry Imp 32C-4W Francien Sittrop Cry To Me Precious Wilson & Eruption Pop Yes
06/05 06/09 06/09 Cry To Me B/Int 32C-2W Paul McAdam Cry To Me Solomon Burke Pop Yes
--- 17/11M --- Crybaby Int 64C-2W-1R-1T/td> Gary O'Reilly & Helen O'Malley Crybaby Paloma Faith Pop Yes
07/02 --- --- Crying Doves Adv 32C-2W Rachael, Guyton & Joey Crying Doves (Remix) Prince Pop
--- 23/01 23/02 Crystal Cha Int 32C 4W 2R 1T Niels Poulsen Aaron Goodvin Every Time You Take Your Time Ctry Yes?
07/02 --- --- Crystal Clear Int 64C-2W Kate Sala Everything Michael Buble Pop Yes
--- --- 22/07M Crystal Touch Imp 32C-4W Claire Bell & Maddison Glover Slow Hand Mike Ryan Ctry Yes
07/07 07/07 --- CT Girl (Cheap Trick Girl) Int 64C-2W Maggie Gallagher Cheap Trick Kinda Girl Infernal Pop Yes
09/07 --- --- Cuban Kiss H/Int 64C-4W Niels B Poulsen Suavemente Paul Cless Pop Yes
09/10 --- --- Cumbia Semana H/Beg 48C-1W Ira Weisburd Fin De Semana Fito Olivares Pop Yes
08/08 --- --- Cupid Shuffle Beg 32C-4W Bernard Bryson Cupid Shuffle Cupid Pop Yes
--- 22/06 22/05M Cut Me Loose Int 64C-2W Fred Whitehouse Cut Me Loose The Shires Ctry Yes
10/12 11/01 --- Cuz I Said So Int 64C-2W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Cause I Said So NeYo Pop Yes
--- --- 21/11M Cyber Samba H/Imp 64C-2W F Whitehouse, S McKeever Give It To Me Boris René Pop yes
02/11 --- --- D.H.S.S. Beg 32C-4W Gaye Teather Coffee Supersister Pop Yes
06/09 --- --- Da Buzz Int 48-4W Robbie McGowan Hickie Love And Devotion Da Buzz Pop Yes
--- --- 18/08B Damn!!!!! Imp 48C-4W Rob Fowler Damn! Brett Kissel Pop Yes
08/11 07/11 --- Dance (The) Int 32C-4W Craig Bennett Dance (The) Westlife Pop Yes
--- 17/03B --- Dance For Evermore Imp 64C-2W-2R Laura Sway Dance For Evermore Si Cranstoun Pop Yes
07/11 --- --- Dance For You Int 48C-4w Robbie McGowan Hickie Voulez Vous? Helena Paparizou Pop No
--- 17/11B --- Dance Her Home Imp 48C-4W Rob Fowler Dance Her Home Cody Johnson Ctry Yes
--- 16/06T --- Dance Like Your Daddy Int 48C-2W Julia Wetzel Dance Like Yo' Daddy Meghan Trainor Pop Yes
08/02 --- --- Dance Like You're The Only One Imp/Int 32C-4W Teresa & Vera Sun Goes Down David Jordan Ctry Yes
12/03 12/02 --- Dance With Me Tonight Int 64C-4W Peter & Alison Dance With Me Tonight Olly Murs Pop Yes
14/03> --- --- Dance With Me Tonight Beg 32C-4W Jamie Marshall Dance With Me Tonight Olly Murs Pop


14/03 --- --- Dance With Me Tonight Beg 32C-4W Jamie Marshall Dance With Me Tonight Olly Murs Pop


--- 15/03M --- Dance With No Name (A) Adv 64C-2W Alan Birchall & Jacqui Jax Place With No Name (A) Michael Jackson Pop Yes
--- --- 21/11M Dance Without A Partner Imp 32C-4W Niels Poulsen She Just Wants To Danceance Johnny Reid Ctry No*
--- 22/10 --- Dancing In The Country Int 48C 2W Maddison Glover Dancin' In the Country Tyler Hubbard Ctry Yes
17/11 --- --- Dancing In The Daylight Imp 64C-2W-2R Maggie Gallagher Dancing In The Daylight Scouting For Girls Pop Yes
16/05 --- --- Dancing Kizomba Int 32C-4W J M Belloque Vane, L Iguchi, S P Gene & Others Dancing Kizomba Aliz Velix Pop Yes
15/11 --- --- Dancing Tree (The) Int 32C-4W-1R Richard Guillaume Hanging Tree (The) James Newton Pop Yes
12/11 12/07 --- Dancing With Cupid Int 64C-2W Kate Sala Cupid Daniel Powter Pop Yes
--- --- 22/10M Dancin' In The Moonlight Imp 32C 4W Michelle Wright Standing With You Chris Lane, Lauren Alaina Ctry Yes
--- 22/04I 22/04M Danger Twins L/Int 32C-4W Karl-Harry Winson & Jamie Barnfield Movin Danger Twins Pop Yes
12/04 12/05 --- Dangerous Adv 64C-4W John H. Robinson Rhythm Nation Janet Jackson Pop Yes
--- 16/03T --- Dangerously Adv 32C-4W-1R-1T R Verdonk, S Holtland & J M Belloque Vane Dangerously Charlie Puth Pop Yes
--- --- 24/10W Yes$
--- 15/03T --- Darling Hold My Hand Int 64C-2W-2R Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Hold My Hand Jess Glynne Pop Yes
--- 17/04T --- Darling Stand By Me Beg 32C-4W Peter Metelnick & Alison Biggs Stand By Me Michael Bolton Pop Yes
--- 14/11M --- Dear Future Husband Int 32C-4W Julia Wetzel Dear Future Husband Meghan Trainor Pop Yes
11/08 --- --- Descarada Int/Adv 32C-4W-1T Joey Warren Descarada Pitbull Pop Yes
23/02 23/01 23/02 Devil In A Dress Int 48C 2W 2R 1Br Niels Poulsen Teddy Swims Devil In A Dress Pop Yes
08/11 08/06 --- Devil's Beat Int 56C-4W Kate Sala Devil's Beat Sandy Thom Pop Yes
14/11 14/09M --- Diamonds & Dust Int 48C-4W Rob Fowler & Kate Sala Love Runs Out One Republic Pop Yes
--- --- 23/08W Diamonds In A Whiskey Glass Int 32C-2W Alison & Peter Metelnick Diamonds In A whiskey Glass Gord Bamford Pop Yes$
08/07 08/04 --- Did You Ever Int 32C-4W Robbie McGowan Hickie Betcha Never Glennis Grace Pop Yes
--- 16/04T --- Die A Happy Man Int 48C-2W Rachael McEnaney-White & Joey Warren Die A Happy Man Thomas Rhett Ctry Yes
--- --- 24/9W Yes
--- 23/01 --- Different Man> Imp 16C 2W Guillaume Richard Kane Brown, Blake Shelton Different Man Ctry Yes?
--- 13/09M --- Different Roads Int/Adv 32C-2W Scott Schrank Roads Chris Mann Ctry Yes
--- 17/04M --- Dig Your Heels Phr/Int 52C-4W-3T Maddison Glover Here's To You & I McClymonts (The) Ctry Yes
--- --- 23/01W Diggity Swinging Int 32C 4W 3R Tim Johnson Tyler Ward No Diggity Pop Yes
16/08 --- --- Digital Age Phr/Int 68C-1W-2R D Trepat, Belloque Vane & R Verdonk Digital Age Phreefall Ft. Flemming Pop Yes
--- 22/07 22/06M Dim The Lights Int 48C-4W Maddison Glover, Simon Ward The Kind of Love We Make Luc Combs Ctry Yes
12/03 12/05 --- Ding Dang Darn It Int 48C-2W Rachael McEnaney Ding Dang Darn It Ken Domash Pop Yes
08/04 --- --- Ding Ding Dong Beg 64C-2W Zac Detweiller and Shauna Riley Singalongsong Tim Tim Pop Yes
--- 23/08M --- Dippin & Slidin Imp 32C-2W-2T-1R Karl-Harry Winson & Jamie Barnfield Dippin My Feet Rick Astley Pop Yes$
11/01 11/02 --- Dirty Bit Int 64C-4W Shaz Walton Time (The) Black Eyed Peas (The) Pop Yes
16/03 --- --- Dirty Mind Adv 64C-2W Daniel Whittaker Dirty Mind Flo Rida Ft Sam Martin Pop Yes
15/09 15/10M --- Dirty Work Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins Dirty Work Austin Mahone Pop Yes
--- 18/04 --- Dive Right In Int 48C-4W Will Craig Dive Ed Sheeran Pop Yes
07/02 --- --- Divisadero Cha Int 32C-4W Michele Burton There's No Getting Over Me Ronnie Milsap Ctry
07/04 --- --- Do It! Int 32C-4W Gerard Murphy Little Richard Medley Deans (The) Pop
--- --- 25/08 Mon Do It All Again Imp 32C-4W Gary O'Reilly & Maggie Gallagher Do It All Again Guilty Pleasure, Enissa & Faydee Pop Yes
--- 18/05 18/04b Do It Like This I/Adv 64C-4W Scott Blevins & Megan Wheeler Do It Like This Daphne Willis Pop Yes
--- 18/05 --- Do It Like This Beg 16C-4W Jonno Liberman Do It Daphne Willis Pop Yes
24/05 24/05 24/05W Do It With Passion Int 48C-2W Niels Poulsen 911 Teddy Swims Pop Yes
--- --- 22/03M Do It With Style H Beg 32C-4W Maryse Gagnon Style Danger Twins Pop Yes
--- --- 22/06 Do My Thing Phr/Int 80C-2W Jo Thompson & Scott Blevins Do My Thing PRTY ANML Pop Yes
09/04 --- --- Do That Again? Imp 32C-4W Vivienne Scott, Fred Buckley, Andrew Palmer & Sheila A. Cox Let's Do That Again Trace Adkins Ctry Yes
15/07 --- --- Do What You Do Int 64C-2W-1R-3T Rachael McEnaney That's What I Like Flo Rida Pop Yes
09/08 --- --- Do Wop Be Doo Be Doo B/Int 32C-4W Gaye Teather Shang-A-Lang Bay City Rollers Pop Yes
16/02 --- --- Dock of The Bay Imp/Int 64C-4W Rachael McEnaney-White Sittin' On The Dock of The Bay Nils Landgren & Joe Sample Pop Yes
04/08 --- --- Doctor Doctor Int 80C-4W Masters In Line Bad Case Of Loving You Robert Palmer Pop
08/11 08/11 --- Doctor's Orders Imp 64C-4W Maggie Gallagher Doctor's Orders Jane McDonald Pop Yes
--- --- 24/09M Does Heaven Have A Creek Int 32C-2W NC@S Rachael McEnaney Does Heaven Have A Creek Elvie Shane Ctry Yes
14/12 --- --- Doesn't Mean Goodbye Ph/Adv 80C-2W G. Mundy, K. Wallman & N. Poulsen Doesn't Mean Goodbye Jon McLaughlin Pop Yes
10/08 10/05 --- Dog-Gone Blues Int 48C-4W Jo Thompson, Michele Burton & Michael Barr No More Doggin' Colin James Pop Yes
07/09 --- --- Dog & Bone B/Int 32C-4W Kate Sala How A Cowgirl Says Goodbye Tracy Lawrence Ctry Yes
08/04 --- --- Doin' Alright! Int 32C-4W Jo Thompson Szymanski Alright Elliott Yamin Pop Yes
--- 14/02B --- Doin' It Right Imp/Int 32C-4W Rachael McEnaney Doin' It Right Rodney Atkins Ctry Yes
--- 17/04T --- Doin' What I Like Adv 48C-2W-1R-1T Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris So Good Louisa Johnson Pop Yes
14/03 14/03T --- Doing It Justice Phr/Int 80C-2W Guyton Mundy & Simon Ward Everybody Justice Crew Pop Yes
18/04 18/04 18/04B Doing The Walk Imp Van Grootel, Verdonk Walk of Shame Eight To The Bar Ctry Yes
--- --- 24/10M Yes
11/11 11/11 --- Domino Int/Adv Rachael McEnaney Domino Jessie J Pop Yes
08/01 --- --- Don't Cry On My Shoulder B/Int 32C-4W Jo Thompson Szymanski Don't Cry On My Shoulder Sam Cooke Pop Yes
--- 13/10T --- Don't Disturb Me Int 64C-4W Niels Poulsen Wake Me Up Avicii Pop Yes
--- 22/09 --- Don't Fly Away H/Beg 32C-4W Karl-Harry Winson Don't Fly Away (PNAU Remix) Elvis Presley & PNAU Pop Yes
07/03 06/11 --- Don't Feel Like Dancing Int 64C 4W Patricia E. Stott Don't Feel Like Dancing (I) Scissor Sisters Pop Yes
--- 16/11B --- Don't Give Up Int 32C-4W Vikki Morris Try Everything/td> Shakira< Pop Yes
10/06 10/05 --- Don't Kill The DJ Int 64C-4W Kate Sala We Belong To Music Miley Cyrus Pop Yes
10/04 10/05 --- Don't Let It Go Int 48C-4W Craig Bennett Don't Let It Go To Your Head Jordon Sparks Pop Yes
10/05 --- --- Don't Let Me Down Int 48C-4W Dan Morrison Giddy On Up Laura Bell Bundy Ctry Yes
15/09 --- --- Don't Let The Sun Go Down Int 32C-4W-2R Niels Poulsen & Simon Ward Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me George Michael Pop Yes
22/05 --- --- Don't Let Your Heart Imp 32C-4W Bobby Chong, Tammy Wyatt Don't Let Your Heart Zac Brown Band Ctry Yes
--- --- 22/08M Don't Look Down B/Imp 32C-4W Yvonne Anderson Don't Look Down Drake Milligan Ctry Yes
15/09 15/10T --- Don't Make Me Suffer Adv 96C-2W J M Belloque Vane, S Holtland, R Verdonk Suffer Charlie Puth Pop Yes
--- --- 22/06W Don't Overthink It Imp 32C-4W Chris Jacques Just Wanna Dance Spencer Ludwig Pop Yes
--- 16/11T --- Don't Need It! Phr/Int 64C-1W-2T Niels Poulsen Don't Need It (I) Jamie Foxx Pop Yes
07/11 --- --- Don't Push Me Int 32C-4W Maggie Gallagher Don't Push Me Sweetbox Pop Yes
--- 13/12B --- Don't Say Goodbye Beg 32C-4W Peter & Alison Breaking Up Is Hard To Do Overtones (The) Pop Yes
--- 18/03 --- Don't Stay For Me Adv 48C-2W F Whitehouse, J Belloque Vane, JP Madge Don't Stay X Ambassadors Pop Yes
13/01 --- --- Don't Stop The Party Int/Adv 76C-4W Niels Poulsen Don’t Stop the PartyPitbull Pop Yes
--- 23/09 --- Don't Think Twice Int 64C-2W Mark Furnell (UK) & Chris Godden Don't Think Twice Rita Ora Pop Yes
--- --- 22/03M Don't Worry H/Beg 32C-4W Deborah O'Hara Three Little Birds Sean Paul & Ziggy Marley Ctry Yes
22/04 --- 22/05 Done Nov 32C-2W Darren Bailey Done Chris Janson Ctry Yes
14/05 --- --- Doo Wacka Doo Ph/Int 80C-2W Guyton Mundy & Maria Maag Doo Wacka Doo Celtic Thunder & Paul Byrom World Yes
08/01 --- --- Doors Of Life I/Adv 48C-2W Michael Barr Door Of The Life (The) Mariya Takeuchi World Yes
--- --- 22/03W Dopamine Int 64C-2W Gary O'Reilly Dopamine Purple Disco Machine Pop Yes
--- 22/06 --- Down Home Int 32C-2W Ria Vos & Ivonne Verhagen Down Home Jimmie Allen Ctry Yes
22/04 --- --- Down On My Knees Imp 32C Cathy Montgomery, Kelly Mathew & Rachel Polack Desperate Man Eric Church Ctry No
17/10 23/05 --- Down On Your Uppers Beg 32C-4W Gary O'Reilly Down On Your Uppers Derek Ryan Ctry Yes
11/05 --- --- Down To The Wire H/Int 32C-4W Shaz Walton & Jannie Tofte Andersen Sure Thing Miguel Pop Yes
08/07 --- --- Downpour B/Int 48C-2W Paul McAdam Downpour Brandi Carlile Pop Yes
11/08 --- --- Dr. Wanna Do H/Int 32C-4W Maggie Gallagher Dr Wanna Do Caro Emerald Pop Yes
--- 22/06 22/07M Draggin' Your Boots Imp 32C-4W Heather Barton, Carol Cotherman Stop Draggin' Your Boots Danielle Bradbury Ctry Yes
--- 22/06 --- Draggin Your Boots Imp 32C-4W Tina Argyle Stop Draggin' Your Boots Danielle Bradbery Ctry Yes
03/03 --- --- Dream On Beg 24C-4W Rob Fowler Dream On Texas Ladies John Michael Montgomery Ctry Yes
07/10 --- --- Dreamin' Int 32C-2W Barry Amato Tell Me What You Dream Restless Heart Ctry Yes
--- 24/05 --- Dreaming Imp 32C-4W Guikkaume Richard & Laura Bartolomei ( Dreaming Tones and I Ctry Yes$
08/10 --- --- Dreams Int 32C-4W Craig Bennett & Guyton Mundy Dreams Gavin DeGraw Pop Yes
14/03 --- --- Drifter Int 32C-4W Guyton Mundy Drifter by Decemberadio Decemberadio Pop Yes
23/02 --- 23/02 Drinkaby Imp 48C 4W 1BR Rachael McEnaney Cole Swindell Drinkaby Ctry Yes?
11/11 12/01 --- Drink In My Hand (A) B/Int 32C-4W Sandy Goodman Drink In My Hand (A) Eric Church Ctry Yes
08/07 --- --- Drinkin' Bone Boogie Beg 32C-4W Ellen Kiernan Drinkin' Bone Tracy Byrd Ctry Yes
12/01 12/01 --- Drinkin' Wine (Spo-Dee-O-Dee) Int 64C-4W Trace, Murphy, Barr Drinkin’ Wine (Spo-dee-o-dee) Nappy Brown & Kip Anderson Pop Yes
10/09 10/08 --- Drip Droppin Adv 48C-4W Kate Sala Start Without You Alexandra Burke Pop Yes
12/08 12/04T --- Drive By I/Adv 64C-2W Daniel Whittaker Drive By Train Pop Yes
--- 13/08M --- Driven Imp 84C-2W Rob Fowler Driven Casey James Ctry Yes
08/06 08/07 --- Duck Soup Beg 32C-4W Frank Trace Restless Shelby Lynne Ctry Yes
--- 18/01 --- Dunk It! PHR I/Adv-72C-1W Dee Musk: Kate Sala: Niels Poulsen Swish Swish (Clean Ver) Katy Perry Pop Yes
--- 17/03T --- Dy Na Mite Int 64C-2W-2R Dee Musk Dynamite Nause, Ft. Pretty Sister Pop Yes
23/02 --- --- Dynamite, Let's Go Beg 32C 1C Barry Michael & Bobby Chong ????? ????? Ctry Yes?
09/07 --- --- Ease On Down Int 64C/4W Rachael McEnaney, JP & Bracken Ellis Potter Ease On Down The Road Michael Jackson & Diana Ross Pop Yes
05/08 --- --- East To West B/Int 96C-2W Larry Hayden Coast To Coast Modern Talking Pop Yes
17/02 --- --- East To West 17 Imp 32C/4W Simon Ward & Alison Johnstone Play That Song Train Pop Yes
22/05 --- --- Easy Tonight Beg Michelle Wright Easy Tonight Niko Moon Ctry Yes
1998/05 --- --- Easy Come Easy Go Beg 40C-4W Debbie O'Hara Any Way The Wind Blows Brother Phelps Ctry Yes
11/08 11/08 --- Eeny Meny Miny Mo H/Beg 32C-4W Lynne Martino Eeny Meeny Miny Moe Brady Seals Pop Yes
--- 24/04 --- Electric E-Int 64C-2W PHR Neville Fitzgerald, Julie Harris Electric Darin Pop Yes
08/04 --- --- Elevator Int 64C-2W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Elevator Flo Rida Pop Yes
--- 22/06 --- Especially For You Int/Adv Simon Ward, Niels Poulsen Your Song Lady Gaga Pop Yes
--- 22/09 --- Eternal Flame Imp Tina Argyle Eternal Flame The Bangles Pop Yes
14/10 --- --- Eternal Secret Int 32C-2W Ria Vos Secret (The) David Nail Pop Yes
11/01 10/10 --- Euro Mess Phr/Int 80C-1W Jo Kinser, Daniel Trepat & Neils Poulsen Hot Mess Cobra Starship Pop Yes
--- --- 18/08M Eurodance (The) Int 64C-2W Team Europe, Dee Musk Solo Clean Bandit Pop Yes
09/07 --- --- Evacuate The Dance Floor I/Adv 64C-2W Craig Bennett Evacuate The Dance Floor Cascada Pop Yes
04/10 --- --- Evergreen Int 40C-2W Karen Hadley Evergreen Will Young Pop Yes
08/04 --- --- Everybody Dance Int 32C-4W Neville Fitzgerald Everybody Dance Lemonice Pop Yes
--- --- 24/05W Everybody get Up Phr_Adv 80C-2W C Flowers, D Betts, R McEnaney Everybody Get Up Yes Yes No Maybe Pop Yes$
09/10 --- --- Everybody's Here Beg 32C-4W Gaye Teather Everybody's Here Brad Paisley Ctry Yes
05/10 --- --- Every Cotton Pickin' Morning B/Int 4W 32C Steve Mason Cotton Pickin' Time Blake Shelton Ctry No
--- --- 24/04M Every Move You Make H-Beg 32C-2W José Miguel Belloque Vane & Alison Johnstone Every Breath You Take Music Travel Love Ctry Yes
--- --- 17/12M Everybody's Got A Secret Int 64C-2W-1R-1T Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Secrets Pink Pop Yes
17/09 --- --- Everybody's Groovin! Int 32C-4W Jo Thompson Szymanski, Rhoda Lai Everybody's Groovin' MaxAMillion Pop Yes
23/01 23/01 23/01M Everyone Needs A Hero E/Int 64C 2W 3T Roy Verdonk, Grace David & Jef Camps Hoding Out For A Hero Adam Lambert Pop Yes
09/02 --- --- Everything About U Int 32C-4W Paul McAdam Everything About U Danny K Pop Yes
13/10 --- --- Everything Cha E/Int 32C-4W Frank Trace House That Has Everything (A) Elvis Presley Pop Yes
16/03 15/11B --- Ex's and Oh's Imp 32C-4W Amy Glass Ex's and Oh's Elle King Pop Yes
15/09 --- --- Extreme Love Int 48C-2W Niels Poulsen Like I'm Gonna Lose You Meghan Trainor, Ft. John Legend Pop Yes
12/04 12/06 --- EZ Body Rock Beg 32C-4W John H. Robinson Rock Your Body Phonkers (The) Pop
23/06 23/06 23/07 Face The Music Int 32C-4W-1T Maddison Glover More Than Friends Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real Pop Yes
08/03 08/03 --- Fade Away Int 64C-2W Dee Musk Fade Away Mary J Blige Pop Yes
23/06 23/06 23/05 WM Faded Dreams Int 24C-2W-2R Maddison Glover, Simon Ward & Fred Whitehouse Ain't Got A ShotAgain Nate Barnes Ctry Yes
14/03 --- --- Fading Lights E/Imp 32C-4W Kate Sala Little by Little Billy Bubba King Ctry Yes
--- --- 24/02W Fairytale Endings Phr/Adv 72C-1W Roy Hadisubroto & Fiona Hadisubroto Is That Alright Scotty McCreery Pop Yes$
10/05 10/02 --- Faith & Desire Int 32C-4W Johanna Barnes Come On Get Higher Matt Nathanson Pop Yes
08/11 08/05 --- Faith In Love Int 40C-2W Junior Willis & Craig Bennett Faith In Love Reba McEntire and Rascal Flatts Ctry Yes
12/06 12/05T --- Faithfully Int 40C-2W Guyton Mundy Faithfully Journey Pop Yes
13/06 --- --- Faking It Int 48C-4W Neville & Julie Tangled Up Caro Emerald Pop Yes
10/11 10/09 --- Fall Apart Int/Adv Dee Musk Fall Apart Sarah Connor Pop Yes
11/06 --- --- Fangbanger's Cha H/Int 48C-4W Scott Blevins Beyond Here Lies Nothin' Bob Dylan Pop
12/07 12/06 --- Farewell Int 32C-4W D McLaughlin, J Warren, & J Willis Choreograph Farewell Rihanna Pop Yes
14/08 --- --- Fault Line Int 32C-4W Joey Warren Fault Line Katherine McPhee Pop Yes
08/03 --- --- Feed The Fetish H/Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins Feedback Janet Jackson Pop Yes
08/10 08/10 --- Feel H/Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins Make You Feel My Love Adele Pop Yes
08/10 08/10 --- Feel Good Rumba B/Int 32C-4W Frank Trace She Gets That Way Kenny Chesney Ctry Yes
06/09 --- --- Feel The Magic Int 64C-2W Gary Lafferty Hungry Eyes Eric Carmen Pop Yes
13/05 13/05T --- Feel This Moment Phr/Adv 96C-2W Rachael McEnaney Feel This Moment Pitbull, Ft. Christina Aguilera Pop Yes
14/01 14/01B --- Feeling Hot Beg 48C-4W Rachael McEnaney Feeling Hot Don Omar Pop Yes
15/10 --- --- Feels Like Rain H/Int 64C-2W Wil Bos Feels Like Rain John Hiatt Pop Yes
05/10 --- --- Feels So Good! Ph/Int 2W 96C Amy Christian It Feels So Good Sonique Pop Yes
07/04 --- --- Fighting Those Blue Jeans B/Int 32C-2W Gytal Built For Blue Jeans Tyler Dean Ctry Yes
10/01 --- --- Fiona Int 32C-4W Michael Barr Give It To Me Right Melanie Fiona Pop Yes
--- 23/09 --- Find The Beat Int 32C-4W Fred Whitehouse (IRE) & Jean-Pierre Madge All Eyes On Me Skinny Beats Pop Yes
08/05 08/05 --- Fire On Ice Int 64C-2W Kate Sala Why This Kiss Mark Medlock Ctry Yes
14/10 14/10 --- Fireball Phr/Int 64C-2W Will Craig Fireball Pitbull Pop Yes
14/12 14/11 --- Fireball-Easy Beg 32C-4W Marthe Thibeault Fireball Pitbull Pop Yes
07/11 07/10 --- Firecracker Int 56C-4W Robert Lindsay You Set My Heart On Fire Helena Paparizou Pop Yes
17/05 --- --- First Thing First Phr/I/Adv 96C-2W Klara Wallman & Lina Hökdahl Believer Imagine Dragons Pop Yes
24/07 24/04 --- Fixation Int 54C-2W Fred Whitehouse, Shane McKeever cigarettes & black lipstick Brake Pop Yes$
24/06 24/04 --- Fixing Me Int 32C-2W Fred Whitehouse Fixing Me Breaking You River Atley Pop Yes$
2015/06 --- --- Flashlight Adv 32C-2W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harrie Flashlight Jessie J Pop Yes
99/03 --- --- Flip Flop Dance B/Int 64C-4W Cathy Montgomery Evangeline Chad Brock Ctry No
14/03 --- --- Flowers In The Snow Nov 48C-2W Judy McDonald Flowers In The Snow Terri Clark Ctry Yes
12/01 11/06 --- Flute (The) Int 64C-3W Maggie Gallagher Flute Barcode Brothers World Yes
14/01 13/12 --- Fly High Int 64C-4W Maggie Gallagher Let Me Go Gary Barlow Ctry Yes
15/12 --- --- Focus On Me Phr/I/Adv 64C-2W Jean-Pierre Madge Focus Ariana Grande Pop Yes
08/05 --- --- Follow Me Home Int 48C-2W Teresa & Vera Follow Me Home Sugababes (The) Pop Yes
--- 18/03 --- Follow My Footprints H/Int 48C-2W Gary O'Reilly Footprints Molly Kate Kestner Po Yes
14/06 --- --- Follow You Down Int 48C-4W Guyton Mundy I´ll Follow You Shinedown Pop Yes
09/05 --- --- Food Chain Phr/HInt 56C-4W Scott Blevins In One Ear & Out The Other Fujiya & Miyagi Pop Yes
07/07 --- --- Foolish Int 48C-4W Nancy A. Morgan Foolish Johnny Mathis Pop Yes
07/10 --- --- Foolish Heart B/Int 32C-4W Robbie McGowan Hickie Don't Pretend With Me Vince Gill Ctry Yes
11/10 --- --- Footloose Int 48C-4W Rob Fowler Footloose Blake Shelton Ctry
--- 12/02 --- Footloose B/Int 32C-4W Levi J. Hubbard & Starla Rodgers Footloose Kenny Loggins Ctry
09/14 --- --- Footprints On The Water Int 48C-4W Joanne Brady & Jill Babinec Footprints On The Water Gold City Ctry Yes$
08/12 --- --- For Love E/Int 32C-4W Vivienne Scott What I Did For Love Johnny Reid Ctry Yes
09/09 --- --- For The First Time Int 32C-4W Niels Poulsen For The First Time Rod Stewart Pop Yes
22/08 --- --- For The Love Of It Int 32C-2W Maddison Glover For The Love Of It Texas Hill Ctry Yes
10/08 10/07 --- For The Lovers Int 64C-4W Craig Bennett All The Lovers Kylie Minogue Pop Yes
--- --- 22/08M Forbidden Waltz Int 48C-4W Fred Whitehouse, Shane McKeever All That You Are Sinead Harnett Pop Yes
22/04 --- --- Forever 23 B/Imp 48C-4W Chris Cashion 23 Sam Hunt Ctry Yes
08/12 08/09 --- Forever Dancefloor Int 64C-2W Vivienne Scott, Andrew Simon & Sheila Forever Chris Brown Pop Yes
--- 22/09 --- Forever Together L-Int 32C-4W Heather Barton I Won't Let Go Rascal Flatts Ctry Yes
11/03 11/03 --- Foxy Girl Beg 32C-4W Frank Trace Bad Bad Girl Derailers (The) Pop Yes
11/10 11/11 --- Freak A Little More Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins Dance To The Music Sly & The Family Stone Pop
--- 22/08 --- Free To Run Adv 64C-2W Fiona Murray & Roy Hadisubroto Jumpin' In Oh The Larceny Pop Yes
11/07 --- --- Fresh Int 48C-4W John H. Robinson Fresh Gina G Pop Yes
10/07 --- --- Fried Chicken B/Int 32C-4W James O. Kellerman Memphis Women & Chicken T. Graham Brown Ctry
--- --- 17/12M Friends For Life E Int 32C-4W Tracie Lee, Maddison Glover & Simon Ward Whole Lot In Love Austin Burke Pop Yes
15/11 16/01T --- From The Other Side I/Adv 32C-4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Hello Adele Pop Yes
--- 18/02 18/02M Funk The Preacher Man Int 32C-4W Gary O'Reilly Amen Matthew West Pop Yes
07/10 07/10 --- Funkafied Blues Int 48C-4W Jo Thompson Szymanski Funkafied Blues EC Scott Pop Yes
22/01 --- --- Funky High Horse Beg 32C-2W Trude Dalene High Horse Nelly Pop Yes
09/02 09/03 --- Galway Girls I/Int 31C-2W Chrissie Hodgson Galway Girl Sharon Shannon & Steve Earle World Yes
07/06 --- --- Geek In The Pink Int 32C-4W Johanna Barnes Geek In The Pink Jason Mraz Pop Yes
09/11 --- --- Georgia Peach Beg 32C-4W Pat Meikle One Night At A Time George Strait Ctry Yes
--- --- 23/11M Get After It Int 48-2W Trevor Thornton & Rob Holley Light That Fire Oh The Larceny Ctry Yes$
07/09 07/07 --- Get Bizzy B/Int 64C-2W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Get Bizzy Paris Bennett Pop Yes
22/10 22/12 23/11 Get In Or Get Out H/Imp 32C-4W Maggie Gallagher Get In Or Get Out Sarah Lake Pop Yes
09/04 09/06 --- Get Involved Int 32C-2W Paul McAdam Dance Wiv Me Dizzee Rascal Pop Yes
14/07 --- --- Get It Bae Adv 64C-2W Joey Warren, Linda McCormack & Will Craig Come Get It Bae Pharrell Williams Ft. Miley Cyrus Pop Yes
--- --- 18/07B Get It Right Imp 32C-4W Maddison Glover Hard Not to Love It Steve Moakler Pop Yes
--- 24/06 24/06 Get It Started Phr-Adv 80C-4W Darren Bailey Scott Blevins Get It Started Juliet Roberts Pop Yes
24/02 24/02 24/02W Get Moving E-Int 64C-2W Guillaume Richard & Gregory Danvoie Get Moving Paper Kings Ctry Yes
14/06 14/06T Get My Name Int 64C-4W Guyton Mundy & Will Craig Get My Name Mark Ballas Pop Yes
--- 24/03 --- Get On Your Feet Imp 32C-4W Debbie Rushton We're On Our Way LÒNIS & Daphne Willis Pop Yes
09/06 --- --- Get Sideways Int 32C-4W Carol Cotherman Sideways Dierks Bentley Pop
--- 18/05 --- Get Wavey Adv 64C-1W Tim Johnson & Rebecca Lee & Jean Pierre Madge Wavey Cliq, ft. Alika Pop Yes
22/10 22/10 --- Get What I Want I/Adv 48C-2W Cody Flowers & Rachael McEnaney Get What I Want Foxy Pop Yes
15/10 15/10T --- Get Your Shoes On Int 32C-4W Jo Thompson Szymanski & Scott Blevins Get Your Shoes On Elisabeth Withers Pop Yes
14/09 --- --- Ghost Int 64C-2W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Ghost Ella Henderson Pop Yes
08/10 --- --- Ghost Train Beg 32C-4W Kathy Hunyadi Ghost Train Australia's Tornado Ctry Yes
07/05 07/05 --- Gigolo (A) Int 40C-4W Robbie McGowan Hickie Gigolo (English Version) Helena Paparizou Pop Yes
07/11 --- --- Gimme More Int 32C-4W Joey Warren Gimme More Britney Spears Pop Yes
16/02 14/06B --- Beg 32C-4W Gin & Tonic Kate Sala & Robbie McGowan Hickie Love Drunk LoCash Cowboys Ctry Yes
08/08 08/10 --- Girl Int 32C-4W Craig Bennett Driving Me Crazy Taio Cruz Pop Yes
15/04 15/04T 24/10M Girl Crush H/Int 32C-2W Rachael McEnaney & Alison Johnstone Girl Crush Little Big Town Pop Yes
13/10 13/11T --- Girl Power Int 64C-2W Simon Ward, Debbie McLaughlin, Jose Miguel Belloque Vane Woman's World Cher Pop Yes
--- --- 18/09 Girl With The Fishing Rod Q Imp 32C-4W Christian Yang Girl WitH The Fishing Rod Lisa McHugh Ctry Yes
13/05 13/04B --- Give It A Go Imp 32C-4W Ria Vos Give It Up Andrew Spencer Pop Yes
07/09 --- --- Give It Back Int 32C-4W Rachael McEnaney Music: Give It Back Gaelle Pop Yes
22/05 --- 22/04 M Gives Me Shivers Imp 32C-4W Brandon Zahorsky Shivers Ed Sheeran Pop Yes
24/03 --- 24/03 Glass of Wine Beg 32C-4W Malene Jacobsen Cry To Me Kilotile Pop Yes&
13/02 13/02 --- Gleefully There Int 96C-2W Rachael McEnaney As Long As You're There Glee Pop Yes
06/08 --- --- Gloria Int 64C 2W Teresa Lawrence & Vera Fisher Gloria Bendita David Civera Pop No
12/02 11/11 --- Go Seven Beg 32C-4W Ria Vos Seven Lonely Days Bouke Pop Yes
98/07 98/07 --- God Blessed Texas Beg 32C-2W Shirley K. Batson God Blessed Texas Little Texas Ctry Yes
08/11 --- --- God Love Her Imp 32C-4W Roy Thompson God Love Her Toby Keith Ctry Yes
24/03 --- --- Going All The Way Int 32C-2W Gary O'Reilly, Maggie Gallagher All The Way Bright Out Pop Yes
15/08 15/09T --- Gold Int 32C-4W Darren Bailey & Fred Whitehouse Gold Andreya Triana Pop Yes
17/** --- --- Goodbye For Now Beg 32C-4W Jose miguel Belloque Vane Goodbye Juanes World Yes
15/01 14/11B --- Gonna B Good Imp 40C-2W Pat Stott and Laura Hilbert (Sway) Gonna B Good Keith Urban Ctry Yes
13/11 13/09T --- Good Life (The) I/Adv 32C-2W Rachael McEnaney Good Life (The) Robin Thicke Pop Yes
13/03B 15/04 --- Good Morning Beg 48C-4W Jo Thompson Szymanski & Machelle Cook Holloway Good Morning Good Morning by Mandisa Pop Yes
08/07 --- --- Good Time Int 48C-4W Rachael McEnaney Good Time Alan Jackson Ctry Yes
15/05 --- --- Goodbye Cha Int 64C-4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Goodbye Who Is Fancy Pop Yes
17/10 --- --- Goodbye For Now Beg 32C-4W José miguel Belloque Vane Goodbye Juanes World Yes
05/09 --- --- Gordita Linda B/Int 56C-4W Max Perry La Gorda Linda (Spanglish Version) Arthur Hanlon Pop Yes
--- --- 23/11M Got A Problem (I) Imp 32C-4W Amund Storsveen I Got A Problem Drake Milligan Ctry Yes$
--- 23/11 --- Got A Problem (I) Imp 32C-4W Mathew Sinyard I Got A Problem Drake Milligan Pop Yes$
06/07 --- --- Got Your Yee Haw Beg 32C-4W John Dembiec Yee Haw Jake Owen Ctry Yes
08/06 08/07 --- Gotta Hitch Int 64C-4W Francien Sittrop Bounce With Me Kreesha Turner Pop Yes
07/04 07/04 --- Grace Kelly Int 64C-4W Patricia E. & Lizzie Stott Grace Kelly Mika Pop Yes
--- --- 24/07-MWC Graffiti H-Int 32C 4W Karl-Harry Winson Never Comin Down Keith Urban Ctry Yes$
--- --- 24/06WC Grain Of Salt Imp 32C 4W Rob Holley Grain Of Salt Toby Keith Ctry Yes
--- --- 24/04 W Greatest Love Of All (the) Adv 56C-2W Gary O'Reilly, José Miguel Belloque Vane & Niels Poulsen Greatest Love Of All Whitney Houston Pop Yes
--- --- 24/10M Green Green Grass AB A-Beg 32C-4W Julie Gilmore Green Green Grass George Ezra Pop No
22/05 --- 22/03M Greener Grass Imp 64C-2W Elaine Cook Don't Let The Green Grass Fool You Johnny Reid Ctry Yes
09/02 --- --- Guantanamera Int 48C-4W Kim Ray Guantanamera Jody Bernal Latin Yes
07/08 07/08 --- Guardian Angel Adv 32C-2W Maggie Gallagher Angel On My Shoulder Gareth Gates Pop Yes
07/01 --- --- Gude Directions Beg/Int 32C-4W Norm Gifford Good Directions Billy Currington Ctry Yes
--- 18/01 --- Guilty As Hell Int 32C-2W-2R-1T Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Guilty Paloma Faith Pop Yes
--- --- 24/08-WC Had some Help Beg 32C 4W Dustin Valcalda & Sierra Gil Had Some Help (I) Post Malone Ctry Yes
12/10 12/10T --- Hairspray Phr/H/Int 176C-1W Simon Ward & Rachael McEnaney You Can’t Stop The Beat Hairspray Soundtrack Pop Yes
--- 18/05 --- Half a Cha Beg 32C-4W Rob Fowler Half A song Cody Johnson Ctry Yes
12/06 12/05 --- Half Past Nothin Imp/E Int 64C-4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Knock Knock Jack Savoretti Pop Yes
09/07 --- --- Halo Int 32C-4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Halo Beyonce Pop Yes
16/01 --- --- Hands of Love Int 48C-4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Hands of Love Miley Cyrus Pop Yes
12/01 --- --- Hands On My Heart E/Int 64C-4W Vivienne Scott Don’t Take Your Hands Off My Heart Dawn Sears Ctry Yes
09/11 09/10 --- Hands Up Int 32C-4 Craig Bennett For The Lovers Whitney Houston Pop Yes
16/02 --- --- Hangover Tonight Imp 32C-2W Darren Bailey Hangover Tonight Gary Allen Ctry Yes
08/01 --- --- Happy Radio Beg 32C-4W Frank Trace H.A.P.P.Y. Radio Edwin Starr Pop Yes
15/04 15/04T --- Hard To Say It Int 32C-4W Niels Poulsen Hard To Say I'm Sorry Chicago Pop Yes
15/01 --- --- Hard Work Int 32C-4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Hard Work Ella Henderson Pop Yes
--- 22/07 22/07M Hasta La Vista Int 48C-2W Maggie Gallagher, Gary O'Reilly Hasta La Vista Alexandra Joner World Yes
09/09 --- --- Hasta Manana B/Int 32C-2W Charlotte Skeeters Hasta Manana ABBA Pop Yes
18/02 18/03 --- Havana Cha H/Beg 32C-4W Ria Vos Havana Camila Cabello ft. Young Thug World Yes
13/05 13/05T --- Have A Little Faith Adv 32C-2W Simon Ward There You'll Be Faith Hill Ctry Yes
16/03 --- --- Have Fun H/Imp 32C-2W Rob Fowler Fun Pitbull, Ft. Chris Brown Pop Yes
04/06 04/04 --- Have Fun Go Mad Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins Have Fun, Go Mad Blair Pop Yes
08/01 --- --- Head Over Heels B/Int 56C-2W Andrew, Simon & Sheila Head Over Heels ABBA Pop Yes
06/10 06/10 --- Heart of An Angel B/Int 48C-4W William Brown Heart of an Angel Modern Talking Pop Yes
--- --- 24/10W Yes
----- 23/07W Heart Of The Darkness Adv 80C-1W Laura Gordon Rachael McEnaney Music Of The Heart Tommee Profitt & Sam Tinnesz Pop Yes
12/09 12/12 --- Heart Skips A Beat H/Int 64C-2W Amy Glass Heart Skips A Beat Olly Murs Pop Yes
07/04 --- --- Heartbreaker Int 64C-4W Kate Sala Heartbreaker Blue Lagoon Pop Yes
22/05 --- --- Hearts Don't Rust E Int 32C-2W Tina Argyle Hearts Don't Rust Brandon Davis Ctry Yes
--- 22/11 22/10M Heavens Juke Box H/Beg 32C 4W 1R José Miguel Belloque Vane & Willie Brown Heaven's Jukebox Jaden Hamilton Ctry Yes
10/05 09/10 --- Heavy Duty Beauty B/Int 48C-4W Larry Bass Heavy Duty Beauty (Radio Dance Edit) Taylor Made Ctry Yes
17/11 --- --- Helium Int 40C-4W-3R Will Craig Helium Sia Pop Yes
09/08 09/01 --- Hell If I H/Int 64C-4W Jo & John Kinser & Mark Furnell Hell If I Alejandro Fuentes World Yes
10/09 10/06 --- Hello Dolly H/Beg 32C-2W Lorraine Kurtela Hello Dolly Bobby Darin Pop Yes
07/10 --- --- Here & Now B/Int 64C-2W Peter Metelnick Living In The Here And Now Darryl Worley Ctry No
24/06 --- 24/06 Here To Dance Imp 32C-4W Maddison Glover Here To Dance The Veronicas Pop Yes
09/05 --- --- Here's Looking At You Kid Int 32C-4W Steve Lescarbeau Key Largo Bertie Higgins Pop Yes
24/01 --- --- Hey Baby Beg 32C-4W Barbara Cremona (UK) & Jim Watt Hey Baby D.J. Otzi Pop Yes$
14/03 --- --- Hey Go E/Int 64C-4W Scott Blevins Walker (The) Fitz & The Tantrums Pop Yes
13/10 --- --- Hey, Hey, Hey Int 64C-2W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Hey, Hey, Hey Laurent Weary Pop Yes
09/10 --- --- Hey Mama Int 64C-2W Scott Blevins & Maren Oslac Say Hey (I Love You) Michael Franti & Spearhead Pop Yes
10/05 10/05 --- Hey Mister Mister E/Int 32C-4W Francien Sittrop & Anja v. Sommeren Hey Soul Sister Train Pop Yes
--- --- 24/03 Hey Now Imp 32C-4W Raymond Sarlemijn Hey Now Ira Losco Pop Yes&
14/12 --- --- Hey Porsche Int 64C-2W Niels Poulsen Hey Porsche Nelly Pop Yes
10/11 --- --- Hey Soul Sister Int 32C-4W Ruben Luna & Bracken Ellis Potter Hey Soul Sister Train Pop Yes
12/02 11/12 --- Hi-A-Ma Cha Int 48C-2W Rachael McEnaney Hi-A-Ma (Pata Pata) Milk & Sugar Pop Yes
07/05 --- --- Hick Chicks B/Int 32C-4W Guyton Mundy Hick Chicks Cowboy Troy Ctry Yes
08/03 --- --- Hickory Lake Beg32C-4W Ron Welters Hickory Lake Bekka & Billy Ctry Yes
09/02 08/10 --- Hideaway Cha Int 32C-4W Joanne Brady, Jamie Marshall & Jo Thompson Dance With Me Debelah Morgan Pop Yes
07/02 --- --- High Maintenance Women B/Int 32C-4W Helen Born & Nita Lindley High Maintenance Woman Toby Keith Ctry No
07/05 07/05 --- High Road I/Adv 48C-2W Teresa Lawrence & Vera Fisher High Road Jo Jo Pop Yes
08/11 --- --- High Time Int 48C-4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris High Time For Getting Down Travis Tritt Ctry Yes
08/05 --- ---Higher and Higher H/Beg 32C-4W Max Perry Your Love Keeps Lifting Me Higher & Higher Michael McDonald Pop Yes
10/06 --- --- Hillbilly Bone Beg 32C-2W Steve Lustgraaf Hillbilly Bone Blake Shelton & Trace Adkins Ctry Yes
--- --- 23/05M Hillbilly Girl Beg 32C-4W-1R Cathy Snow Hillbilly Hippie Lainey Wilson Ctry Yes ?
06/11 --- --- Hips Int 32C-4W Zac Detweiller Hips Don't Lie Shakira Pop Yes
12/11 12/09T --- His Only Need Int 32C-4W Ria Vos She Is His Only Need Wynonna Judd Ctry Yes
24/06 --- --- Hit and Run Beg 32C-4W Bobby Chong Hit and Run Nickola Magnolia Pop Yes$
13/04 13/08 --- Hootenanny Int 32C-2W John Robinson Farm Party Farm Inc. (The) Ctry Yes
09/05 --- --- Hot & Hazy Int 32C-4W Patrick Fleming, Bracken Ellis Potter & JP Potter Never Loved Before Alan Jackson & Martina McBride Ctry No
17/11 --- 18/02 Hurts Like A Cha Cha Int 64C-2W Simon Ward, Daniel Trepat & Fred Whitehouse Nothing Ever Hurt Like You James Morrison Pop Yes
--- --- 18/05B Hey You Beg 32C-4W Gary Lafferty Come On Over To My Place Drifters (The) Pop Yes
07/05 --- --- Hick Chicks Beg/Int Guyton Mundy Hick Chicks Cowboy Troy Ctry Yes
22/09 --- --- Hold Me Closer Int 64C-2W Gary O'Reilly Hold Me Closer Elton John Britney Spears Pop Yes
22/10 --- --- Hold Me Closer Baby Beg 32C-4W Jeanne Chamas Hold Me Closer Elton John & Britney Spears Pop Yes
--- 24/06 24/04M Hold Me Now Imp 32C-4W Jonas Dahlgren, Raymond Sarlemijn & Roy Hadisubroto Hold Me Now (Dance Version) Johnny Logan Pop Yes&
08/09 --- --- Hold My Beer B-Int 32C-4W Kevin Wynn Hold My Beer Aaron Pritchett Ctry Yes
--- --- 22/07W Hold On Int 32C-4W Fred Whitehouse Hold On Brandon Ray Ctry Yes
06/12 06/12 --- Holding Back The Ocean Int 64C 4W Peter & Alison Holding Back The Ocean Rockie Lynne Pop Yes
09/07 --- --- Holding On To Yesterday Imp 32C-4W/td> Peter & Alison I Told You So Carrie Underwood & Randy Travis Ctry Yes
--- 14/01 --- Holidays In The Bayou H/Beg 64C-4W Jo Thompson & John Robinson Holidays In The Bayou Scooter Lee Ctry Yes
--- 24/05 --- Homecoming Beg 32C-4W Lee Hamilton Homecoming Don Louis Ctry Yes
--- --- 22/03M Homecoming Queen Imp 32C-4W Karl-Harry Winson Daydream Believer Monkees (The) Pop Yes
15/09 --- --- Homegrown Imp 32C-4W Rachael McEnaney Homegrown Zac Brown Band Ctry Yes
--- 24/06 --- Homerun Swing I/Adv 32C-4W F Whitehouse, JP Madge, D Betts, TJohnson ( Home Run Seventeen Pop Yes$
--- --- 21/11M Homesick Heart Imp 32C-4W Maddison Glover Homesick Kane Brown World No
--- 24/06 24/07 Hook 'n Sling Phr/Adv 80C-1W Fred Whitehouse All This Love (feat. Harlœ) (Hook N Sling Remix) Robin Schulz Pop Yes$
07/09 07/09 --- Hooked Up B/Int 64C-4W Robbie McGowan Hickie Louisiana Rendezvous Adam Harvey Ctry No
--- 13/06 13/06B Honey Pie Beg 32C-4W Maggie Gallagher Sugar Pie, Honey Pie Jessica Mauboy Pop Yes
16/02 --- --- Honey We`re Good H/Beg 32C-4W Lynne Herman Honey I`m Good Andy Grammer Pop Yes
10/10 10/09 --- Honk Honk B/Int 32C-4W Peter O'Shea Honk If You Honkytonk George Strait Ctry
95/10 --- --- Honky Tonk Stomp Beg 32C-2W CTRA Phyllis Watson Holed Up In Some Honkytonk Dean Dillon Ctry Yes
--- 13/10 14/01T Hope You Find It (I) Int 32C-2W Niels Poulsen Hope You Find It(I) Cher Pop Yes
--- --- 17/12 Hot Damn I/Adv 32C-4W-1T Scott Blevins & Rachael McEnaney White Hot Damn Shadowboxers (The) Pop Yes$
17/09 --- --- Hot to Touch Phr/Adv 80C-2W-1T Jean-Pierre Madge Hot2touch Felix Jaehn, Hight, Alex Aiono World Yes
--- 08/05 --- Hound Dog L-Int 32C-2W Jill Babinec & Judy McDonald Hound Dog Smokey Joe's Cafe Pop Yes
08/05 --- --- How Long Beg 32C-4W Jo Thompson Szymanski How Long Eagles Pop Yes
--- 22/11 --- How Love Is Made Int 48C-2W Darren Bailey That's How Love Is Made The War And Treaty Pop Yes
12/11 12/12/T --- Humanised Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins & Jo Thompson Szymanski Humanised Sola Rosa Latin


12/09 --- --- Hurry Up And Wait Phr/Adv 64C-1W Debbie McLaughlin & Joey Warren Hurry Up And Wait Ida Corr Pop Yes
17/11 --- 18/02 Hurts Like A Cha Cha Int 65C-2W Simon Ward, Daniel Trepat & Fred Whitehouse Nothing Ever Hurt Like You James Morrison Pop Yes
06/11 --- --- Hush B/Int 32C-4W Bill Larson There's A Kind Of Hush Carpenters (The) Pop Yes
15/03 --- --- Hypnotized Phr/Int 48C-2W D. Bailey, F. Whitehouse, R. Sarlemijn Hypnotized N.E.R.D. Pop Yes
09/12 09/12 --- Hypnotized E/Int 32C-4W Francien Sittrop Hypnotized Tania Christopher Pop Yes
08/04 --- --- I'll Make You Dance Int 64C-2W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris I'll Make You Dance Elliott Yamin Pop Yes
--- --- 24/05W I'll Never Know Adv 96C-1W Niels Poulsen, Jo Thompson Szymanski Some Things I'll Never Know Teddy Swims Ctry Yes$
--- 13/01 --- I'm A Tornado Beg 32C-4W Tom Avinger Tornado Little Big Town Ctry Yes
07/04 --- --- I'm Coming Home B/Int 32C-4W Vivienne Scott I'm Coming Home Lionel Richie Pop Yes
12/05 12/03 --- I'm In Love Int 64C-2W Maggie Gallagher I’m In Love Sanna Nielsen Pop Yes
14/04 14/01 --- I'm In Love With You Nov 64C-2W Jose Miguel Belloque Vane & Sebastiaan Holtland, I'm In Love With You Timbaland Ft.Tyson Ritter Pop Yes
14/04 14/03M --- I'm Mad Int 72C-2W Brenda Shatto Mad Anthony Hamilton Pop Yes
11/05 11/03 --- I'm No Good Int 64C-2W Rachael McEnaney I’m No Good (For Ya Baby) Laura Bell Bundy Ctry Yes
--- 22/06 22/02 I'm On My Way Beg 32C-2W Maggie Gallagher Toora Loora Lay Celtic Thunder World Yes
--- 18/06 --- I'm One Of Those Beg 32C-4W Daniel Trepat (NL), José Miguel Belloque Vane One Of Those Canaan Smith Pop Yes
18/01 18/01 --- It's Working E/Int 32C-4W Dan Morrison It's Working James Barker Ctry Yes
11/10 11/10 --- I've Found Love B/Imp 32C-4W Vivienne Scott I've Found Love In You Lady Antebellum Ctry Yes
--- 22/05W --- I've Seen It All E-Int 54C-2W Gary O'reilly All I Need To See Mitch Rossell Ctry Yes
08/04 --- --- Ice Breaker Beg 32C-4W Mary Kelly Hold Your Horses E-Type Pop Yes
--- --- 25/08 If I Don't Int 24C-2W Gary O'Reilly If I Don't Hayley Orrantia Ctry Yes
24/04 --- --- If I Fall Int 32C-2W José Miguel Belloque Vane Let Me Down Easy Billy Currington Ctry Yes$
05/11 --- --- If I Fall B/Int 48C-4W Bill MacLeod If I Fall You're Going Down With Me Dixie Chicks Ctry Yes
08/09 08/09 --- If This Is Love Int 64C-2W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris If This Is Love Saturdays (The) Pop Yes
12/02 --- --- If You Were Mine Int 32C-4W Maggie Gallagher If You Were Mine Sanna Nielsen Pop Yes
17/10 --- --- Imagine Adv 48C-2W Gemma Ridyard I Can Only Imagine Mercy Me Pop Yes
13/04 --- --- Imagine Phr/I Adv Will Craig Can Only Imagine(I) David Guetta, Ft. Chris Brown Pop Yes
13/01 --- --- Imelda's Way B/Imp 32C-4W Adrian Churn Inside Out Imelda May Pop Yes
--- 07/08 --- In The Air Tonight Int 64C-4W Jo & John Kinser Feel It (In The Air Tonight) Naturally 7 Pop Yes
--- --- 22/08W Infinite Compassion Int 64C 2W 2R 1T Ria Vos I Will Help You Ilse DeLange Pop Yes
09/01 08/12 --- Insomnia Int 64C-2W Shaz Walton Insomnia Craig David Pop Yes
--- 18/05 --- Insomniac Int 32C-2W Jean-Pierre Madge, Tim Johnson Insomniac TimeFlies Pop Yes
24/05 24/03 24/01M In Walked You Int 64C-2W Maggie Gallagher In Walked You William Michael Morgan Ctry Yes
09/01 --- --- Irish Spirit (a.k.a. Baileys) Int 32C-4W Maggie Gallagher Celtic Rock David King World Yes
06/01 --- --- Irish Stew B/Int 32C 4W Lois Lightfoot Irish Stew Sham Rock Pop Yes
10/11 --- --- Is Baby's Radio On Imp 64C-4W Gytal, Ginny Allen Turn On The Radio Reba McEntire Ctry Yes
15/11 --- --- Is It Over Int 32C-2W Fred Whitehouse & Niels Poulsen Is It Over Yet Wynonna Judd Ctry Yes
05/06 --- --- Island Hopping Beg 32C 2W Gerard Murphy Back To The Island Baha Men World
00/01 21/10 --- Islands In The Stream Int 32C-4W Karen Jones Islands In The Stream Kenny Rogers Ctry Yes
07/03 --- --- Isle of Paradise B/Int 32C-4W Audrey Watson Isle of Paradise Blue Lagoon Pop Yes
--- --- 24/06M It Takes A Woman Imp 48C-2W Niels Poulsen It Takes A Woman Chris Stapleton Ctry Yes$
--- --- 24/03 Italiano Int 64C-2W Rachael McEnaney, Shane McKeever & Niels Poulsen Mamma Mia Elena World Yes
08/02 --- --- It's Murda Int 64C-2W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Hip Hop Police Chamillionaire Pop Yes
14/06 --- --- It's Tricky Phr/Int 64C-4W Vicky St.Pierre & Rob Glover It's Tricky Run-DMC Pop Yes
06/04 --- --- It's Up to You B/Int 32C 2W Kim Ray It's Up To You Barbra Streisand Pop Yes
--- 18/01 --- It's Working Int Dan Morrison It's Working James Barker Ctry Yes
14/04 14/05T --- Ivory Towers I/Adv 32C-2W Ria Vos Predictable Michelle Lawson Pop Yes
05/09 --- --- Jailhouse Creole Beg 32C 4W Double Trouble Jailhouse Rock/King Creole Billy Swan Ctry Yes
10/04 --- --- Jamba Jump Phr/Int ?C=?W Daniel Trepat & Pim Van Grootel Jamba Anjulie Pop Yes
08/05 --- --- Jazz It Up Int 32C-2W Rachael McEnaney & Paul McAdam Jazz It Up Reel 2 Reel Pop Yes
--- --- 24/08 Jazz Man Pht-Int 64C-4W Bradley Mather Jazz Man Beth Hart Pop Yes$
24/07 24/07 24/06 Jealous Of The Sun Imp 32C-4W Lee Hamilton & José Miguel Belloque Vane ( Jealous Of The Sun Raleigh Keegan Ctry Yes
12/10 12/10T --- Jenkins Sister's Jam Int 64C-4W Scott Blevins On Fire JJ Grey and Mofro Pop
08/11 --- --- Jenny Lee Beg 32C-4W Frank Trace Jenny Lee Jason Allen Ctry Yes
--- 24/02 --- Jerusalema Imp 64C-2W Colin Ghys, Alison Johnstone & The Zezura Shona People Jerusalema Master KG Ctry Yes
09/05 --- --- Jesse James H/Int/Adv 32C-2W Rachael McEnaney Just Like Jesse James Cher Pop Yes
08/09 --- --- Jo'n Jo Tango B/Int 32C-4W Jo Thompson Szymanski & Rita Jo Thompson Hernando's Hideaway Alfred Hause's Tango Orchestra World Yes
11/04 11/01 --- Johnny Got a Boom Boom I/Int 48C-4W Darren Bailey Johnny Got A Boom Boom Imelda May Pop Yes
--- --- 24/02M Johnnie Walker Blues H-Imp 48C-2W Maddison Glover Music Man Carter Faith Ctry Yes
14/01 --- --- Jordin's Step Imp 32C-4W Keith Stewart One Step At A Time Jordin Sparks Pop
09/02 --- --- JR Drop I/Adv 48C-2W Rachael McEnaney & Jessica Langstaff Move, Shake, Drop DJ Laz featuring Pitbull & Flo Rida Pop Yes
14/01 13/12M --- Jump On A Ride E/Int 64C-2W Ria Vos Don’t Turn Around DelaDap Pop Yes
10/12 10/11 --- Jumpin' The Gun Int 48C-2W Judy McDonald, Jackie Miranda, Jo Thompson Szymanski Jumpin' The Gun Ronnie Barnes Ctry Yes
--- --- 24/07 Just A Human Int 32C-2W Daniel Trepat & Guillaume Richard Skin and Bones Morgan St. Jean Pop Yes
07/10 --- --- Just A Kiss Int 64C-4W Robbie McGowan Hickie Just A Kiss Steve Holy Ctry Yes
10/12 --- --- Just A Memory Beg/Int 64C-2W John Dean & Maggie Gallagher Memories Are Made Of This The Dean Brothers Pop Yes$
24/07 --- --- Just a Phase Imp 32C-4W Lee Hamilton & José Miguel Belloque Vane ( Jealous Of The Sun Raleigh Keegan Ctry Yes
17/11 --- --- Just A Two Steppin' Beg 32C-4W Norman Gifford, Jo Thompson Szymanski Joy's Gonna Come in the Morning Scooter Lee Ctry Yes
15/01 --- --- Just Be Int 48C-4W Darren Bailey, Fred Whitehouse Just Be Paloma Faith Pop Yes
14/10 --- --- Just Can't Let You Go (I) H/Int 32C-2W Wil Bos & Aurélie Clota Can't Stop Loving You (I) Jesta James Pop Yes
14/10 14/11T --- Just Let It Go Adv 48C-2W Guyton Mundy & Niels Poulsen Let Me Go Avril Lavigne Pop Yes
05/03 --- --- Just Wright B/Int 64C 2W Maggie Gallagher C'est La Vie Chely Wright Ctry Yes
18/04 18/03 --- K Is For Kicks Beg 32C-4W Christopher Gonzalez Feel It Still Portugal The Man Pop Yes
24/03 --- --- K Step and Rumba Beg 32C-4W Susanne Oates Changed Everything Austin Burke Pop No
05/09 --- --- Keep It Burnin' Int 32C 4W John Robinson, Craig Bennett Keep This Fire Burning Beverley Knight Latin Yes
09/01 08/08 --- Keep It Up Int 64C-2W Robbie McGowan Hickie Won't Tell (I) Jay Sean Pop Yes
10/07 --- --- Keep Sweating I/Adv 32C-4W Queendy Lee & Emily Woo Keep Sweating Ray J Pop Yes
06/09 --- --- Kill The Spiders Int 32C-2W Gaye Teather You Need A Man Around Here Brad Paisley Ctry
--- --- 23/09W Keep This Feeling Int/Phr 64C-2W Niels Poulsen This Feeling Skinny Beats Pop Yes
--- --- 23/10M Keepin' It Country Imp 32C-4W Heather Barton Keepin It Country James Johnston Ctry Yes$
16/02 --- --- Kind of Hush (A) E/Beg 32C-4W Juliet Lam There's A Kind Of Hush Carpenters (The) Pop Yes
11/06 --- --- Kind of Hush (A) H/Int 32C-4W Doug & Jackie Miranda There's A Kind Of Hush Carpenters (The) Pop
10/01 --- --- Kinda Busy Int 32C-4W Craig Bennett Telephone Lady Gaga Pop Yes
10/11 10/11 --- Knee Deep B/Int 64C-4W Yvonne Anderson Knee Deep Zac Brown Band Ft. Jimmy Buffet Ctry Yes
10/11 11/01 --- Knee Deep Imp 32C-4W Peter & Alison Knee Deep Zac Brown Band Ctry Yes
11/01 --- --- Knock 'em Back L/Int 64C-?W Kathy Brown Get My Drink On Toby Keith Ctry
22/08 22/11 --- Knock Off Int 52C 2W 2R G Bourdages, C DURAND, J Lépine, S Cormier, N Lachance & Niels Poulsen Knock Off Jess Moskaluke Pop Yes
10/12 --- --- Know Me By Now Int 36C-2W Craig Bennett If You Don't Know Me By Now Seal Pop Yes
13/09 13/07M --- Kreedom E/Int 32C-4W Michele Perron & Jo Thompson Szymanski Don’t Play That Song Kree Harrison Ctry Yes
12/02 11/08 --- La Luna Int 64C-2W Peter & Alison Stand By Me Prince Royce Pop Yes
08/05 --- --- Laid Back 'N Low Key Int 32C-4W Peter & Alison Laid Back 'N Low Key Alan Jackson Ctry Yes
13/01 --- --- Larger Than Life Adv 48C-2W Simon Ward Larger Than Life Backstreet Boys Pop Yes
10/09 --- --- Last Days of Disco Int 64C-2W Michael Barr, John Robinson Last Days of Disco Alcazar Pop Yes
09/03 08/12 --- Last In Line Beg 32C-4W Kate Sala Favourite Boyfriend Of The Year McClymonts (The) Ctry Yes
07/03 --- --- Last Minute Int 32C-2W Rachael McEnaney & Joey Warren Stay With Me Danity Kane Pop Yes
08/09 --- --- Last Name B/Int 32C-4W Dawn Rathbun Last Name Carrie Underwood Ctry
18/01 --- --- Last Word (The) H-Int 48C-2W Fiona Murray, Roy Hadisubroto The Last Word Frances Pop Yes
10/04 10/04 --- Latin Crazy Int 64C-4W Dee Musk, Fred Buckley, Craig Bennett & Vivienne Scott I'm Crazy DJ Bobo Pop Yes
--- --- 22/07W Latin Fusion Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins, Jo Thompson Szymanski telepatía Kali Uchis Pop Yes
--- 16/04 --- Lesson In Love (A) Adv 48C-2W Dee Musk & Simon Ward All I Ask Adele Pop Yes
17/10 --- --- Lay It Back Adv 64C-?W Shane Mckeever, Guyton Mundy, Fred Whitehouse Perm Bruno Mars Pop Yes
15/09 15/06T --- Lay It Right Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins Lay It Right Speelburg Pop Yes
18/03 --- --- Leave A Light On Adv 48C-2W Guillaume RICHARD Leave A Light On Tom Walker Ctry Yes
08/09 --- --- Leave The Dishes I/E-Int 32C-4W William Brown Come On Over Jessica Simpson Ctry Yes
10/06 10/04 --- Leaving On Monday Imp 64C-2W Sadiah Heggernes Monday Morning Melanie Fiona Pop Yes
08/04 --- --- Lemon Tree (The) Beg 32C-4W Kim Ray Lemon Tree Fool's Garden Pop Yes
15/07 --- --- Let It Be Me Int 48C-4W Amy Glass & Darren Bailey Let It Be Me Ray LaMontagne Pop Yes
13/01 --- --- Let The Sky Fall Int 32C-4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Skyfall Adele Pop Yes
10/02 --- --- Let's Chill U-Beg 32C-4W Vivienne Scott Ice Cream Freeze Miley Cyrus Ctry Yes
07/12 07/10 --- Let's Get Saved I/Adv 64C-2W Dan McInerney Word (The) Prince Pop Yes
11/11 --- --- Let's Play B/Int 32C-4W Ria Vos Let’s Play Kristina Maria Pop Yes
08/11 08/08 --- Let's Rocket Int 32C-4W Francien Sittrop Step Up Darin Zanyar Pop Yes
--- 21/02 --- Let's Start Living Again Beg 32C-4W Ira Weisburd Let's Start Living Again Ronnie Beard Ctry Yes
--- --- 22/06W Levitating Phr/Adv 80C-2W Fiona Murray & Roy Hadisubroto House On Fire Dua Lipa Pop Yes
--- 17/12B --- Life's About Imp 48C-4W-3T Dwight Meessen & Lee Hamilton Life's About To Get Good Shania Twain Ctry Yes
--- 18/09 --- Light A Candle Phr/Adv 64C-2W Fred Whitehouse, Shane McKeever Losing Sleep Chris Young Ctry Yes
--- 23/10 --- Light That Fire Pht/I/Adv 48C-2W Rachael McEnaney & Shane McKeever Light That Fire Oh The Larceny Ctry Yes
17/11 --- --- Lights Down Low Phr/Int 80C-2W Rebecca Lee & Guyton Mundy Lghts Down Low Max Pop Yes$
--- 18/04 --- Lil Mama E/Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins & Jo Thompson Szymanski Lil Mama Jain Pop Yes
--- 18/01B --- Lipstick Tango H-Beg 32C-4W Michele Burton The Lipstick On His Collar Caro Emerald Pop Yes
24/07 24/07 24/08 Liquor-Talking Int 48C-2W Maddison Glover Liquor Talkin' Don Louis Pop Yes
--- 24/01 24/01M Little Heartbreak H-Beg 32C-4W Jef Camps & Roy Verdonk Same Heartbreak Different Day Richard Marx Pop Yes
--- --- 24/09M Little Patch of Heaven Im9 32C-4W Kathy Montgomery Old Dirt Roads Owen Riegling Ctry Yes!
--- --- 22/08M Livin That Good Life Beg 32C 2W Michelle Wright Livin' That Good Life Cale Dodds Ctry Yes
--- --- 22/06M Little Less Broken L/Int 48C-2W Maddison Glover Little Less Broken Luke Bryan Ctry Yes
--- --- 24/07-WC Long Live Country Music Imp 32C 4W Rob Holley Long Live Country Music Cody Johnson Ctry Yes$
--- --- 22/04 M Looking For You Imp 32C-4W Ria Vos I've Been Looking For You Bryan Adams Pop Yes
--- --- 24/01W Looser Still Beg 32C-4W Robert Lindsay, Pat Stott & Lizzie Stott Turn Me Loose Young Divas Pop No
--- 18/04 --- Lost Adv 32C-2W Daniel Trepat, Raymond Sarlemijn & Darren Bailey Lost Anouk Pop Yes
--- --- 24/01MW Lost & Young Int 32C-4W Dam Morrison Horses (feat. Lindsay Ell) - Keith Urban Keith Urban Pop Yes$
22/03 --- 22/03M Lot About A Little (A) Beg 32C-4W B Chong, C Montgomery, D O'Hara & E Cook A Lot About A Little Jason Benoit & Jdzl Pop Yes
--- --- 22/10W Loud H/Int 32C 2W Chris Godden, Mark Furnell Loud Sofia Carson Pop Yes
02/04 --- --- Love A Rainy Night (I) Beg 32C-4W Iris Mooney Love A Rainy Night (I) Eddie Rabbitt Ctry Yes
22/04 --- 22/04M Love Grows Beg 32C-4W Maddison Glover, Craig Bennett Love Grows Smiles Pop Yes
10/11 --- --- Love In One Shot Imp/Int 64C-4W Vivienne Scott & Fred Buckley Love In One Shot Higgins (The) Pop Yes
11/08 11/02 --- Love, JoAnn Beg 32C-4W Marie Sorensen Love Done Gone Billy Currington Ctry Yes
--- --- 18/09 Love Is The Name Imp 48C-2W Alison Johnstone Love Is The Name Sofia Carson Pop Yes
12/09 --- --- Love Repeats Beg 32C-4W Michele Burton Love Me Like A Love Song Selena Gomez Pop Yes
10/02 09/07 --- Love Sex Magic B/Int 32C-4W Lawrence Allen Love Sex Magic Ciara Feat Justin Timberlake Pop Yes
--- 24/06 24/07 Love Somebody Int 32C-4W Maggie Gallagher Love Somebody Moncrieff Pop Yes
13/11 13/10M --- Love Somebody Int 64C-4W Will Craig Love Somebody Maroon 5 Pop Yes
--- --- 24/02M Love Sunrise Beg 32C-2W David Sinfield & Darren Tubridy Love Sunrise James Lynas Ctry Yes
08/08 08/09 --- Love Trick B/Int 32C-2W Rachael McEnaney What's Not To Love Trick Pony Ctry Yes
23/03 22/09 --- Love With No Meaning Int 64C-2W Ryan Hunt 10 Percent Charlotte Jane Pop Yes
12/02 11/07 --- Love Worth Waiting 4 Beg 32C-4W Norman Gifford Love Worth Waiting For (A) Bouke Pop Yes
10/03 10/01 --- Love Ya Int 64C-2W Kate Sala & Robbie McGowan Hickie Love Me Justin Bieber Pop Yes
15/03 14/09B Love You Forever Imp/Int 32C-2W R Fowler, R McEnaney & Jo Thompson Szymanski I'm Gonna Love You Forever Scooter Lee Pop Yes
16/02 16/03T --- Lover Come Back Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins Lover Come Back City and Colour Pop Yes
11/05 --- --- Lover, Lover B/Int 32C-2W A. J. & Scott Herbert Lover, Lover Jarrod Neimann Pop Yes
12/04 --- --- Loves Kiss Int 24C-2W John H. Robinson Just A Kiss Lady Antebellum Ctry Yes
11/04 11/03 --- Lucky Punch Imp/E-Int 32C-4W Robbie McGowan Hickie Lucky Punch Lou Bega World Yes
12/02 --- --- Luna Lite Beg/Imp 32C-4W Peter & Alison Stand By Me Prince Royce Pop Yes
--- --- 24/10W Made For Dancing Phr-Int 102C 1W Darren Bailey, Guillaume Richard & Niels Poulsen I Was Made For Dancin' Leif Garrett Pop Yes$
--- --- 25/08 Mon Made In Mexico Beg 32C-4W Maddison Glover Made In Mexico Neon Union Ctry Yes
11/04 --- --- Made It To Memphis L/Int 64C-4W Kate Sala Never Made It To Memphis Scooter Lee Ctry Yes
--- --- 23/07W Madelyn Int/Adv 32C-2W-1R Darren Bailey Madelyn Anderson East Pop Yes
07/08 --- --- Madhouse To The Max Int 48C-2W Doug & J Miranda Keep Your Hands To Yourself Ethan Allen Pop Yes
13/06 --- --- Madness Int 32C-4W Vicky St.Pierre Madness Muse Pop Yes
--- --- 24/03 Magic Nights Imp 32C-4W Niels Poulsen Summer Nights Ben & Tan Pop Yes&
16/10 16/11T --- Main Attraction Adv 64C-2W-1R Jannie Tofte Andersen, Joey Warren, Kirsten Matthiessen Undress Rehearsal Timeflies Pop Yes
09/03 --- --- Make Her Fall In Love With Me Beg 32C-2W Raelinn W. Dale Make Her Fall In Love With Me George Strait Ctry Yes
22/07 --- --- Make It Imp 48C-2W Rob Fowler Make It Jake Reese Pop Yes
15/06 15/06 --- Make It Rain I/Adv 96C-2W Jo & John Kinser, Fred Whitehouse, Daniel Trepat Make It Rain (LD Ver) Ed Sheeran Pop Yes
14/12 --- --- Make It Shake Phr-Adv 64C-4W Fred Whitehouse & Darren Bailey Make It Shake Machel Montano Rap Yes
09/01 09/01 --- Make My Day Imp 32C-4W Francien Sittrop Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps Pussycat Dolls (The) Pop Yes
--- --- 24/01M Make Some New Love Beg 32C-4W Roy Verdonk, Jef Camps & Jose MB Vane Hey Old Lover Kip Moore Pop Yes$
--- 18/06 --- Make Way Int 64C-2W Fred Whitehouse, Guillaume Richard, Derek Steele Make Way Aloe Blocc Pop Yes
10/10 --- --- Make You Sweat B/Int 32C-4W Ria Vos Uhh La La La Chi Hua Hua Latin Yes
16/03 16/02M ---- Making History E/Int 32C-2W Craig Bennett, Dee Musk & Simon Ward History One Direction Pop Yes
--- 22/08 22/09 Mama & Me Imp 32C 2W 3T Gary O'Reilly Mama's Anne Wilson & Hillary Scott Pop Yes
--- --- 18/08B Mama Mia!Why Me? Beg 32C-2W Lee Hamilton Why Did It Have To Be Me Josh Dylan Pop Yes
14/03 --- --- Mambo Moves B-Int 32C-4W Larry Bass Alabao Enrique Iglesias Pop Yes
14/04 --- --- Mame Imp 64C-2W Frank Trace Mame Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass Pop Yes
09/06 09/07 --- Mamma Maria Beg 32C-4W Frank Trace Mamma Maria Ricchi E Poveri Pop Yes
24/06 23/11 23/11M Marakaibo Int 64C-2W Gary O'Reilly Marakaibo (Radio Ver) Le Pupe Latin Yes$
11/10 --- --- Marry You Beg 32C-4W Rosie Multari Marry You Glee Cast Pop Yes
05/01 12/01 --- Mars Attack B/Int 64C-4W Rachael McEnaney Chocolate (choco-choco) Soul Control Pop Yes
--- 18/04 --- Mates of Soul Adv 64C-2W Guillaume RICHARD, Niels Poulsen, Gary O'Reilly Mates of Soul (The) Taylor John Williams Pop Yes
14/01 14/01T --- McMove Adv 64C-2W Rachael McEnaney & Linda McCormack Move Little Mix Pop Yes
--- 23/11 --- Me & My Guitar H/Beg 32C-4W Mathew Sinyard Me And My Guitar Jax Jones & Fireboy DML Ctry Yes
17/09 18/01M --- Melodia Int 64C-2W Kim Ray, Tina Aegyle La Melodia Joey Montana Pop Yes
23/03 --- --- Memory Lane Beg/Imp 32C 2W Nicole Petrocelli Memory Lane Old Dominion Ctry Yes ?
24/04 23/11 --- Men On A Mission L/Adv 32C-2W O'Reilly, G Richard & N Poulsen Men On A Mission Oh The Larceny PopYes
--- 24/05 24/06 Mercy Int 32C-2W Maggie Gallagher Mercy Rachel Platten Pop Yes
--- --- 18/05B Mexican Cantina Beg 32C-2W Tina Argyle Come A Little Bit Closer Alan Gregory Pop Yes
--- --- 24/03 Midnight Air Imp 32C-2W Nicole Hamilton, Keith & Nicky Riess Blowin Smoke Teddy Swims Ctry Yes&
22/04 --- --- Midnight Mess Around Imp 48C-4W Adia Nuno Midnight Mess Around Old Dominion Ctry Yes
--- --- 24/07 MC Miles On It Beg 32C 4W Andrew Hayes Miles On iT Marshmello & Kane Brown Pop Yes$
--- --- 24/05W Miss Thang I/Adv 64C-2W Darren Bailey Miss Thang Kyle Frey Ctry Yes
--- --- 24/03M Mona Lisa Int 32C-4W Alison Metelnick (UK) & Peter Metelnick Mona Lisa mxmtoon Pop Yes
--- --- 23/04 M Sexy Mona Lisa Beg 32C 4W 48C Niels Poulsen Acapulco/td> Jason Derulo Ctry Yes ?
--- 16/03 --- More Dessert Phr/Int 64C-?W Guyton Mundy & Klara Wallman Dessert Dawin Pop Yes
22/05 --- 22/05M Moses Roses Toeses Imp 32C-4W Amy Glass Soul Lee Brice Ctry Yes
--- --- 22/11 Move Beg 32C 4W Linda Scott Move Luke Bryan Ctry Yes
22/10 22/10 --- Move You Adv 48C-1W Simon Ward Move You Kelly Clarkson Pop Yes
--- 18/04 --- Ms Marianne Beg 32C-4W Frank Trace Ms Marianne Levon Ctry Yes
17/12 --- --- Muddy Waters Phr/Adv 64C-1W Darren Bailey Muddy Waters LP Pop Yes
--- --- 23/10M Must Be The Country Imp 32C-4W Rob Holley Must Be The Country Colt Ford Ctry Yes$
--- --- 21/11 My Bestie H-Imp 2C-4W Colin Ghys & Jose Miguel Belloque-Vanen Justin Wellington Iko Iko World No
--- 24/02 --- My Dancing Feet Int 32C-4W Fred Whitehouse & Jannie Tofte Stoian Dancing Feet Tim Gallagher Ctry Yes
--- --- 23/10M My Hair Int 32C-4W Amy Glass My Hair Ariana Grande Ctry Yes$
12/06 --- --- Naughty Baby (Lite) Imp/E-Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins My Baby Kaci Brown Pop Yes
--- 24/04 --- Near & Far B-Imp Amy Glass Pop Yes$
10/02 --- --- Need You Now E/Imp 32C-2W Gwen Walker & GerryLynn Applegarth Need You Now Lady Antebellum Pop Yes
22/12 23/02 --- Netflix and Chill Int 32C 4W Mark Furnell & Chris Godden Woop DJ Sanny J & SPYNE Rap Yes
15/09 15/09T --- Never Been To Spain Int/Adv 48C-2W Jo Thompson Szymanski Never Been To Spain No Refund Band (The) Pop Yes
22/11 --- --- Never Fool Me Int 72C 2W 3R Roy Hadisubroto Shane McKeever & Jo Thompson Szymanski Never Gonna Fool Me Matt Dusk Pop Yes
22/11 22/12 22/11 Never Gonna Not Dance Int 72C-2W Maddison Glover Never Gonna Not Dance Again Pink Pop Yes
12/07 --- --- Nice and Slow Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins Soldier Gavin DeGraw Pop Yes
13/07 --- --- Never Say Never Int 48C-2W Scott Blevins You Never Need Nobody Lone Bellow (The) Pop Yes
23/03 --- 23/03 New Friends Imp 32C 4W Gary O'Reilly New Friends Lainey Wilson Ctry Yes
15/12 --- --- New Thang Phr-Int 64C-1W P. Sobrielo, R. Lee, R. Sarlemijn New Thang Redfoo Pop Yes
14/03 --- --- New York 2 LA Int/Adv 48C-4W Rachael McEnaney NY2LA Press Play Pop Yes
12/07 --- --- Nice and Slow Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins Soldier Gavin DeGraw Pop Yes
13/11 13/11M --- Nitty Gritty Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins Nitty Gritty Kimberly Cole Ctry
08/03 --- --- No Diggity I/Adv 64C-2W Paul McAdam No Diggity Blackstreet Ft. Dr. Dre Ctry
14/06 --- --- No Goodbyes Adv 40C-4W Scott Blevins and Nicola Lafferty This Ain't Goodbye Train Pop Yes
13/08 13/11T --- No Life After You I/Adv 42C-2W Guyton Mundy Life After You Daughtry Pop Yes
13/09 13/12 --- No Man's Land Int 32C-2W Ria Vos No Man’s Land Leanne Mitchell Pop Yes
08/08 --- --- No Ones Gonna Stop Me Int 64C-4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Give It To Me Madonna Pop Yes
10/01 --- --- No Salvation Phr/I/Adv 64C-4W Scott Blevins Teeth Lady Gaga Pop Yes
11/07 11/08 --- No Scandal Int 64C-4W Robbie McGowan Hickie Tentacion Marcos Llunas World Yes
08/05 --- --- No Tricks B/Int 32C-4W Vivenne Scott Don't Play with My Heart Modern Talking Pop Yes
11/08 11/08 --- Not Drunk Enough I/Adv 32C-4W Shaz Walton Not Drunk Enough Adele Erichsen Pop Yes
07/07 07/07 --- Not Like That B/Int 32C-4W Robbie McGowan Hickie Not Like That Ashley Tisdale Ctry Yes
08/11 --- --- Not Right Now Beg 32C-2W Sherrie Poppa Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven Kenny Chesney Ctry
14/05 --- --- Not So Ordinary Int 32C-2W Niels Poulsen Me & You Kenny Chesney Ctry Yes
15/02 --- --- Not The Only One Int 32C-4W Craig Bennett Not The Only One Sam Smith Pop No
--- --- 24/07 Wed Novocaine Int 64C-2W Shane McKeever Skin and Bones Morgan St. Jean Pop Yes
04/03 04/03 --- Nu Flow Int 40C-2W Masters In Line Nu Flow Big Brovaz Pop Yes
09/11 --- --- NY Cha I/Adv 64C-2W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris New York Paloma Faith Pop Yes
15/11 --- --- NYC Funk H-Int 32C-4W Debbie Rushton (McLaughlin) Living In New York City Robin Thicke Pops Yes
14/07 --- --- Off The Chain Phr-I/Adv 64C-2W Fred Whitehouse Can’t Believe It (I) Flo Rida, Ft. Pitbull Pop Yes
17/10 --- --- Oh Mama Hey Int 32C-2W-2T Guyton Mundy and Jo Thompson Szymanski Oh Mama Hey Chris Cox and DJ Frankie Pop Yes
24/01 --- --- Oh-My-Johnny Imp 32C-4W Gary O'Reilly & Maggie Gallagher Oh My Johnny (Banks Of The Roses) hasing Abbey Pop Yes$
10/05 10/05 --- Oh Ruby! Phr I/Adv Debbie McLaughlin Ruby Blue Roisin Murphy Pop Yes
09/04 --- --- Oh Suzannah Imp 32C-4W Bill Larson & Chris Watson Oh Suzannah Southern Culture On The Skids Ctry
06/10 --- --- On My Mind B/Int 32C 4W Vivienne Scott & Fred Buckley Arizona On My Mind Jake Matthews Ctry Yes
11/07 11/07 --- On The Edge Adv 64C-2W Craig Bennett Edge of Glory (The) Lady Gaga Pop Yes
10/08 10/08 --- On The Road Again Beg 28C-4W Peter & Alison On The Road Again Ann Tayler Ctry Yes
03/01 --- --- On The Water B/Int 32C-2W Pete Harkness Walking On The Water Atomic Kitten Ctry Yes
23/03 --- --- One Beer Beg 32C 2W Rob Holley One Beer In Front Of The Other Jordan Davis Ctry Yes
14/10 --- --- One Less Phr/Int 64C-4W Joey Warren and Brenna Stith Problem Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea Pop Yes
16/01 --- --- One Minute Int 64C-2W Jean-Pierre Madge One Minute Man Missy Elliott Pop Yes
16/01 --- --- One Wing Adv 96C-2W Fred Whitehouse One Wing Jordin Sparks Pop Yes
08/10 08/10 --- Ooh Aah Borriquito Beg 64C-2W Lesley Clark Borriquito Los Fernandos World Yes
11/01 11/01 --- Ooh I Like That Int 48C-Prtnr Rachael McEnaney & Ryan Lindsey We No Speak Americano (I Like That) Yolando B Cool, D Cup & Nabildon World Yes
08/05 --- --- Ooh Poo Pah Doo B/Int 48C-2W Violet Ray Ooh Poo Pah Doo Taj Mahal World Yes
14/04 14/04M --- Open Hearts Int 64C-4W Kate Sala, Vivienne Scott, Jose Miguel Belloque Vane & Fred Buckley Corazon Abierto Victor Munoz Latin Yes
08/07 08/10 --- Our First Love E/Int 64C-4W Robert Lindsay, Kim Ray, Vivienne Scott & Fred Buckley Mi Primer Amor Belle Perez Pop Yes
14/03 14/04T --- Outlaws of Love H-Int/Adv 32C-2W Jill Babinec, Joey Warren, Will Craig Outlaws of Love Adam Lambert Pop Yes
24/02 --- 24/01M Out Of Words Imp 32C-4W Niels Poulsen What More Can I Say Teddy Swims Pop Yes$
13/02 13/01T --- Outta Control Adv 80C-2W Simon Ward Outta Control De-Lano Pop Yes
08/04 --- --- Over The Rainbow Int 32C-4W Gaye Teather Somewhere Over The Rainbow Cliff Richard Pop Yes
--- --- 23/09 Oxigeno Imp 32C 4W Roy Verdonk & BJ Lines Oxigeno/td> Alvaro Soler World Yes ?
14/07 14/08 --- P-51 (aka Come With Me) Phr/Int 88C-4W Niels Poulsen Come With Me Ricky Martin Pop Yes
09/07 09/10 --- Painted Windows Int 64C-2W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Painted Windows Pussycat Dolls (The) Pop Yes
15/12 --- --- Painting Pillows Adv 48C-2W Rachael McEnaney-White Painting Pillows Lauren Alaina Ctry Yes
16/02 16/02 --- Pants On Fire Beg 32C-4W Lisa M. Johns-Grose Lips Are Movin' Meghan Trainor Pop Yes
--- 11/05 11/07 Papi HI/Adv 64C-2W Rachael McEnaney Papi Jennifer Lopez Pop Yes
17/11 --- --- Part-time Girlfriend Int 84C-2W-2R Scott Blevins, Joey Warren and Guyton Mundy Make Me No. 1 Felicia Olsson Pop Yes
--- 12/03 11/05 Party Freak Int 64C-2W Kate Sala On The Dance Floor Jennifer Lopez Pop Yes
--- 14/10 --- Party Up Int Judy McDonald Get The Party Started Pink Pop Yes
09/07 09/12 --- People Are Crazy Beg/Int Gaye Teather People Are Crazy Billy Currington Ctry Yes
18/01 18/01M --- People Are Good Imp 64C-2W Gary O'Reilly Most People Are Good Luke Bryan Ctry Yes
13/08 13/08 13/07M People Like Us Int Rachael McEnaney People Like Us Kelly Clarkson Pop Yes
22/04 22/04B --- Peppermint Twist H Beg 48C-4W Jo Thompson Szymanski & Roy Verdonk Peppermint Twist Sha Na Na Pop Yes
11/06 --- --- Perfect! Int 32C-4W Guyton Mundy F**king Perfect Pink Pop Yes
18/04 18/01 --- Perfect Int 32C-2W-2R Alison Johnstone & Joshua Talbot Perfect Ed Sheeran Pop Yes
11/06 --- --- Perfect! Int 32C-4W Guyton Mundy F**king Perfect Pink Pop Yes
08/03 --- --- Phenomenon Int/Adv 64C-2W Paul McAdam Phenomenon LL Cool J Pop Yes
12/07 --- --- Pick A Bale Beg 8C-2W Unknown Pick A Bale of Cotton John Littleton Ctry Yes
08/10 08/07 --- Pick Up My Stroll I-Adv 64C-2W Shaz Walton Four Minutes Madonna Ft Justin Timberlake Pop
08/10 --- --- Play Something Country B-Int 48C-4W Dan Albro Play Something Country Brooks & Dunn Ctry
23/02 --- --- Players Int 32C 2W Gary O'Reilly Players Coi Leray Pop Yes
09/10 09/10 --- Playing With Fire Int 64C-4W Craig Bennett Bad Boys Alexandra Burke Pop Yes
17/11 --- --- Please Stay Int 32C-2W Ria Vos Please Stay Bryan Adams Pop Yes
--- --- 22/04M Poco Loco Int 48C-2W Alison Biggs, Peter Metelnick Suave Alvaro Estrella World Yes
12/09 12/08T --- Point of No Return Int 64C-2W Ria Vos Point of No Return DJ Happy Vibes Pop Yes
09/04 --- --- Poker Face I-Adv 64C-2W Craig Bennett Poker Face Lady Gaga Pop Yes
15/09 15/09T --- Pop 'n Drop Int 64C-2W Dee Musk & Ria Vos Emergency Icona Pop Pop Yes
09/11 09/12 --- Pop Lock & Drop Adv 64C-2W Shaz Walton Fire Burnin' Sean Kingston Pop Yes
19/06 --- --- Pop The Question Int 32C-2W Niels Poulsen Cásate Conmigo Silvestre Dangond & Nicky Jam Pop Yes
22/04 22/05I 22/04W Portland Cha L-Adv 64C-2W A Glass,D Betts, JP Madge, JM Belloque Vane, S Ward & N Poulsen Mercy Valtn Pop Yes
--- 24/04 22/04W Portland Dance Floor Int 32C-2W Amy Glass, Dustin Betts, Jean-Pierre Madge, José Miguel Belloque Vane, Simon Ward & Niels Poulsen Our Song P!nk Pop Yes&
14/01 13/10T --- Post Code Envy Phr/H-Int 48C-4W Joey Warren Royals Lorde Pop Yes
08/02 --- --- Pretty In Pink Int 48C-4W Maggie Gallagher Pretty In Pink Sweetbox Pop Yes
08/09 --- --- Prison Break B-Int 64C-4W Rachael McEnaney Jailhouse Rock Blues Brothers (The) Pop Yes
10/10 10/10 --- Private Dancer Phr/H-Adv 96C-4W Scott Blevins Slow Dance Natalie Pop Yes
08/10 --- --- Protect Your Heart Beg 32-4W Dee Musk Dangerous Katharine McPhee Ctry Yes
11/11 --- --- Proud Mary Burnin' I-Adv 124C-1W Sobrielo Philip Gene Proud Mary Glee Cast Pop Yes
14/11 --- --- Pull The Trigger Phr-Int 96C-2W Scott Blevins Trigger by Tatiana Owens Tatiana Owens Pop Yes
23/02 --- --- Pull Up a Chair Int 32C 4W 1R Shelly Guichard, Dee Musk & Kate Sala Brett James Lonely Ain't So Lonely - Brett James Ctry Yes?
18/04 18/02 --- Pull You Through Int 32C-4W Maddison Glover & Jo Thompson Szymanski Pull You Through Maggie Rose Ctry Yes
24/08 24/06 24/08 Punchline (The) Int 48C-4W Cody Flowers & Joey Warren Feel Good Ryan Nealon Pop Yes
09/01 --- --- Purple Rain I/Adv 34C-2W Rachael McEnaney Purple Rain LeAnne Rimes Ctry Yes
08/09 --- --- Put A Girl In It! B-Int 48C-4W Sylvia Schell Put A Girl In It Brooks & Dunn Ctry Yes
--- --- 24/07 Quando Quando Imp 32C-4W Quando Quando Quando Quando Avener & Waldeck Pop Yes
--- --- 22/10M Que Paso Imp 32C 2W José Miguel Belloque Vane & Ivonne Verhagen Hey Baby Que Pasó The Last Bandoleros Pop Yes
14/06 14/09T --- Queen Bee Int 32C-4W Michelle Risley & Rachael McEnaney Queen Bee Rochelle Diamante Pop Yes
14/09 14/05B --- Raggle Taggle Gypsy O H-Imp 32C-4W Maggie Gallagher Raggle Taggle Gypsy O Derek Ryan Pop Yes
10/01 09/09 --- Rain Against My Window Int 32C-4W Michael Barr Can't Stand The Rain (I) Seal Pop Yes
--- --- 24/08-WC Rain Is Gone (The) Beg 32C 4W Rob Holley Can See Clearly Now (I) Duguneh, Crystal Rock & Mike Ruby Pop Yes
--- --- 14/04M Rainmaker Int 48C-2W Niels Poulsen Rainmaker Emmelie de Forest World Yes
--- 21/02 --- Raise Your Glass Int/Adv Rachael McEnaney Raise Your Glass Pink Pop Yes
23/01 --- --- Raised Like That Im/In 32C 2W 1R Darren Bailey James Johnston Raised Like That Ctry Yes
--- 18/03 --- Rather Than Talking Int 32C-4W Guillaume RICHARD Rather Than Talking Holly Siz World Yes
--- --- 24/09M Rattlenake Kiss (A) Imp 32C-4W Maddison Glover Ain't In Kansas Anymore Miranda Lambert Ctry Yes
24/01 --- 24/01W Ready For It (This Is It) Imp 48C-2W Evan VanScoyk This Is It Oh The Larceny Pop Yes$
24/03 23/11 23/10 Ready Or Not Imp 64C-2W/td> Amy Glass Come N Get It Desert Belle Pop Yes$
08/01 --- --- Rebel Amor B/Int 64C-4W Roy Verdonk & Wil Bos Rebelle Amor Bella Perez World Yes
--- 18/03B --- Rebel Just For Kicks Imp 32C-4W Ria Vos Feel It Still Portugal. The Man Pop Yes
99/09 --- --- Red Hot Salsa B/Int 64C-2W Christina Browne Red Hot Salsa Dave Sheriff Pop
09/06 --- --- Red Wine B/Int 64C-4W Geri Morrison Just Dance Lady Gaga Pop Yes
10/03 --- --- Reflections 2 H/B 32C-2 Winnie Yiu The Moon Represents My Heart Teresa Teng World Yes
13/09 14/01M --- Remember That Int 32C-4W Rachael McEnaney Remember That Jessica Simpson Pop Yes
22/09 --- 22/08M Remember This Imp 32C 4W 2R Maddison Glover Remember This Jonas Brothers Pop Yes
22/10 22/10 --- Remix Of Love A-Beg 32C-4W Gary O'reilly Love Story DJ Gotta Pop Yes
--- --- 24/9W Return To Love Int 40C-2W Gary O'Reilly Return To Love Andrea Bocelli, Ellie Goulding Pop Yes
22/05B 22/02M --- Reunited! Beg 32C-4W Niels Poulsen Undivided Tim McGraw&Tyler Hubbard Pop Yes
13/04 13/04T --- Rhythm Of The Night Int 64C-2W Simon Ward Rhythm of the Night Timbaland Pop Yes
--- --- 24/10M Yes$
04/05 --- --- Rio B-Int 32C-4W Diana Lowery Patricio Mestizo Pop Yes
14/08 --- --- River Bank L/Int 48C-2W Kathy Brown River Banks Brad Paisley Ctry Yes
22/03 --- 22/08 Rock & Roll Found Me Imp 56C-2W Chrystel DURAND Rock & Roll Found Me Eric Church Ctry Yes
15/01 --- --- Rock & Roll King Imp 64C-4W Rachael McEnaney Rock & Roll Is King ELO Pop Yes
--- 12/07 --- Rock Da Boat Int 64C-4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Rock The Boat Bob Sinclair, Ft. Pitbull Pop Yes
--- 14/04 14/04M Rock N Roll Angel Int 48C-2W Kate Sala Rock N Roll Angel Jessta James Ctry Yes
--- 13/01 --- Rock This Party Int 64C-2W Simon Ward Rock This Party Bob Sinclair Pop Yes
08/02 --- --- Rock With You E/Int 32C-4W Michael Barr Rock With You Now Bama Band (The) Pop Yes
18/04 18/03 19/02 Rocket To The Sun Beg 32C-4W Maddison Glover What You've Done to Me Samantha Jade Pop Yes
--- 06/06 --- Rockin' Imp 32C 4W Anita McNab Rockin' Pneumonia Ronnie McDowell Pop
06/13 15/10 --- Rockin' The Wagon Wheel Beg 32C-4W Jamie Marshall Wagon Wheel Darius Rucker Ctry Yes
11/06 --- --- Rolling In The Deep Int 64C-2W Maggie Gallagher Rolling In The Deep Adele Pop Yes
09/06 --- --- Roomba Phr-B/Int 72C-?W Guyton Mundy I Know You Want Me Pitbull Pop Yes
--- 15/11 --- Rootin' For You Imp 32C-4W Kelly Mathew Cheerleader OMI Pop Yes
--- --- 24/07 Roots Imp 32C-$W Roy Verdonk, Ray Sarlemin Roots Calum Scott Pop Yes$
10/02 10/01 --- Rumba Breeze Int 64C-4W Michele Perron & Michele Burton Everybody's Talking Randy Crawford & Joe Sample Pop Yes
15/03 15/03 --- Run H-Int 48C-2W Scott Blevins Run Marsha Ambrosius Pop Yes
--- 15/01 14/11T Run Away With You Int 64C-4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Runaway Ed Sheeran Pop Yes
22/09 --- 22/08M Run Di Road Imp 32C 4W Fiona Murray & Roy Hadisubroto Run Di Road HoodCelebrityy Pop Yes
09/11 --- --- Run Rudolph Beg 32C-2W Sue Ann Ehmann Run, Run, Rudolph Chuck Berry Pop Yes
09/03 --- --- Run, Sue Run! Beg 32C-2W Cato Larsen Runaround Sue Dion Pop Yes
10/07 --- --- Run To You Shuffle Imp 32C-4W Carol Cotherman Run To You (I) Lady Antebellum Ctry Yes
--- 23/02 --- Run With Me Int 32C 2W 1T Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Calum Scott Run With Me Ctry Yes?
--- 13/11 13/12M Running Scared I-Adv 64C-4W Yvonne Anderson Sometimes Britney Spears Pop Yes
10/11 10/10 --- S.B.S. (Shuffle Boogie Soul) Beg 48C-4W Ira Weisburd Honky Tonk Preston Shannon Ctry Yes
09/06 09/06 --- Sag Drag & Fall Beg 32C-4W Frank Trace Sag, Drag & Fall Sid King and The Five Strings Ctry Yes
--- --- 24/07 Samba Whisper Imp 32C-2W JP Madge, Rebecca Lee Susurro Riddi. Last Monday Pop Yes
--- --- 21/12W Same Boat Imp 32C-4W Rachael McEnaney White Same Boat Zac Brown Ctry Yes
11/01 11/01 --- Sands of Time Int 48C-4W Ria Vos Sands Of Time (The United DJ's vs Pandora Pop Yes
08/04 --- --- Save A Horse - Ride A Cowboy Phr/Int 72C-4W Jamie Marshall & Bob Watters Save A Horse Ride A Cowboy Big & Rich Ctry
--- 22/12 ------- Save It For A Sunny Day Imp 32C-4W Karl Harry Winson Save It For A Sunny Day Drake Milligan Ctry Yes
22/10 M --- --- Sawdust Memories Imp 48C 4W 1R Double Trouble Dance Of A Lifetime Drake Milligan Ctry Yes
--- 24/02 --- Saxxy Int 32C-4W Rebecca Lee (MY) & Jo Thompson Szymanski /td> Saxxy Brendan Mills, Masove & Tess Burrstone Pop Yes
14/10 14/08 --- Say Geronimo Int 64C-2W Ria Vos Geronimo Sheppard Pop Yes
--- 18/05 --- Say Yes! Adv 64C-2W Tim Johnson Yes Louisa ft. 2 chainz, Pop Yes
12/09 12/08T --- Scarborough Waltz Int 72C-4W Larry Schmidt Scarborough Fair Sarah Brightman Pop Yes
--- --- 23/08M Scootin' Bootin' Imp 32C-4W Mark Paulino Country Dance Aaron Goodvin Ctry Yes$
06/06 --- --- Scream (I) Int 64C-4W Scott Blevins Cuz I Can Pink Pop Yes
--- --- 25/06 Second-hand Emotion Beg 32C-4W Ria Vos What's Love Charles J Pop Yes
06/11 06/11 --- See, I See (I) B/Int 32C-4W Jo & Rita Thompson I'm Beginning to See The Light Bobby Darin Pop Yes
22/05 22/04I 22/04W See Stars (I) Int 64C-2W Maggie Gallagher I See Stars The Shires Ctry Yes
23-09 23-09 23/10W Self-Love H/Int 32C-2W Simon Ward Lover Taylor Swift Ctry Yes
16/01 --- --- Send Her My Love Int 48C-4W Vivienne Scott Send My Love(to your new lover) Adele Pop Yes
19/06 --- --- Senorita La La La Beg 32C-4W Julia Wetzel Senorita Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello Pop Yes
10/04 --- --- Senorita Imp 48C-4W Craig Bennett Senorita Alex Swings & Oscar Sings Pop Yes
16/01 --- --- Sensacion Int 32C-4W D Bailey, R Hadisubroto, R Sarlemijn Stuck on a Feeling Prince Royce Pop Yes
09/01 08/12 --- Set On You Imp 64C-2W Maggie Gallagher Got My Mind Set On You (I) George Harrison Pop Yes
07/06 --- --- Sexy Back (aka Marmite) I/Adv 64C-2W Shaz Walton & Ben Martin Sexy Back Justin Timberlake Pop Yes
17/09 --- --- Sexy Beaches Adv 80C-2R-Mixed Dee Musk, Fred Whitehouse, Guyton Mundy, Niels Poulsen Sexy Beaches Pitbull feat. Chloe Angelides Pop Yes
--- --- 24/02M Sexy Lady H-Beg 32C-4W R Sarlemijn, D Bailey & R Verdonk Sexy Lady John West & Lange Frans Pop Yes
12/05 --- --- Sexy Naughty Me Adv 32C-4W Maggie Gallagher Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy Me Lene Alexandra Pop Yes
15/02 15/03M --- Shades Of Passion I/Adv 72C-4W Rob Fowler Earned It Weekend (The) Pop Yes
17/01 16/12 17/01M Shady Int 32C-2W D Bailey, F Whitehouse, A Glass Shady Adam Lambert Pop Yes
11/11 --- --- Shake It For Me Int 32C-4W Larry Bass Country Girl Shake It For Me Luke Bryan Ctry Yes
22/10 --- --- Shake Shakin H-Imp 32C-4W Emma Whillians Shakin' In Them Boots Jade Eagleson Ctry Yes
--- 22/04 22/06M Shake Your Cake Imp 32C-4W Amy Glass & Cody Flowers Next Olivia Holt & Bruno Martini Ctry Yes
13/11 13/10T --- Shakin' My Head Phr-Int 64C-2W Guyton Mundy & Chris Atkinson Shakin' My Head Detail Pop Yes
11/12 --- --- Shambala E-Int 64C-4W Ria Vos Shambala Dr. Victor & The Rasta Rebels Pop Yes
10/11 10/09 --- Shanghai Surprise Int 32C-4W Jo Thompson Szymanski & Rachael McEnaney Jumpin The Jetty Coastline Pop Yes
22/08 --- --- Sharks Int 64C-2W Julia Wetzel Sharks Imagine Dragons Pop Yes
13/03 13/01B --- Shattered Dreams Beg 32C-4W Karl-Harry Winson When You Say My Name Overtones (The) Pop Yes
08/09 08/06 --- She Believes Nov 32C-4W Kate Sala She Believes In Me Kenny Rogers Ctry Yes
08/06 --- --- She Danced Int 48C-4W Cato Larsen When She Started To Dance Tony Carey Pop Yes
22/03 --- 22/02M She Don't Know L-Int 32C-4W Maddison Glover She Don't Know Jade Eagleson/td> Ctry No
24/05 --- --- She Wants A Ring Imp 24C-4W Maddison Glover She Wants A Ring Dan Marshall Ctry Yes
08/06 --- --- She's Such a Hottie B-Int 32C-4W Laura K She's A Hottie Toby Keith Ctry Yes
22/01 --- --- Shivers Baby Beg 32C-2W Gitte Kunckel Stehr Shivers Ed Sheeran Pop Yes
12/01 --- --- Shoe Shine Boogie Beg 32C-4W Knox Rhine Boogie Shoes K.C. & The Sunshine Band Pop Yes
10/08 --- --- Shoop B-Int 32C-4W Trepat, Bailey, van Grootel, Sarlemijn, Verdonk Shoop Salt-N-Pepa Pop Yes
14/11 14/03B --- Shotgun Jenny Beg 32C-2W Kathy Kelley Brown Shake It Lacs,Ft. Big & Rich (The) Ctry Yes
13/03 --- --- Shotgun Rider Beg 32C-4W Frank Trace Shotgun Rider Neal McCoy Ctry Yes
15/11 15/12T --- Shots With Somebody Int 64C-2W Rachael McEnaney-White No Doubt About It Cast of Empire Pop Yes
17/11M --- --- Should be Loved Int 32C-4W-1T Rachael McEnaney-White You Should Be Loved Hunter Hayes Ctry Yes
23/03 23/04 23/06 M Show Me Int 32C-4W-1R-2T Joey Warren Show Me What You Got Ricky Cage Pop Yes
07/05 07/05 --- Show Me Yours Int 48C-4W Maggie Gallagher Show Me Yours Rick Guard Pop Yes
24/06 24/01 24/02W Showed You The Door (I) Int 64C-4W Ria Vos The Door Teddy Swims Pop Yes
13/08 --- --- Showstopper Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins, Jo Thompson Szymanski Showstopper Brandon & Leah Pop Yes
--- --- 24/03W Shut Up & Dance Imp 32C-4W Cody Flowers Shut Up & Dance Walk The Moon Pop Yes&
08/06 --- --- Sidora Slide Int 32C-4W Nancy A Morgan Til The Dawn Drew Sidora Pop Yes
24/01 --- 24/10 Silverado Int 64C-2W Gary O'Reilly Silverado David Nail Ctry Yes$
--- --- 18/09 Simple As Can Be Imp 32C-4W Julia Wetzel Simple Florida Georgia Line Ctry Yes
24/05 24/04 24/05 Sin City Lights Imp 32C-4W Karl-Harry Winson Blinding Lights Tebey (Country Version) Ctry Yes
13/07 --- --- Sing Sing Sing Imp/L-Int 64C-2W Simon Ward Sing David Campbell Pop Yes
24/01 24/02 --- Sixteen Tons H/Beg 48C-4W Colin Ghys & José Miguel Belloque Vane Sixteen Tons Tennessee Ernie Ford Pop Yes
12/12 12/11 12/10M Skiffle Time Imp-Int 64C-4W Darren Bailey Mama Don't Allow Jive Aces (The) Pop Yes
04/07 --- --- Sky Full of Angels Int 32C-4W Yvonne Anderson Sky Full of Angels Reba McEntire Ctry Yes
11/09 --- --- Sleeping Child Beg Maggie Gallagher Sleeping Child Michael Learns To Rock Pop Yes
--- 18/02B --- Sleepy Eyes Imp 64C-4W Andrew & Sheila Palmer Blue Bayou Niamh Lynn Ctry Yes
--- --- 23/10 Slide a ¼ Int 32C-4W Fred Whitehouse & Shane McKeever Still Gonna Be Brandon Davis Ctry Yes
10/01 --- --- Smash It Int 32C-4W Barry & Dari Anne Amato Superstar (Smash It) Kimberly Cole Pop Yes
08/07 08/07 --- Smell of Your Sweet Perfume (The) I-Adv 72C-2W Simon Ward Billie Jean David Cook Pop Yes
18/04 18/04 18/06B Snap Beg 32C-4W Vivienne Scott Anthem Brett Kissel Pop Yes
10/06 10/07 --- Snap Your Fingers I-Adv 64C-2W Rachael McEnaney Snap Your Fingers Ronnie Milsap Ctry Yes
14/06 --- --- So Feisty Adv Scott Blevins and Tajali Hall Feisty Jhameel Pop Yes
08/01 08/03 --- So Glamorous Int 32C-4W Francien Sittrop Glamorous Natalia Pop Yes
10/10 11/01 --- So Said Jo Int 32C-4W Bracken / JP Potter and Scott Blevins Kandi One Eskimo World Yes
10/09 --- --- So Sexxy Int 32C-4W John Robinson You're So Sexy Marlee Scott Pop Yes
--- --- 23/09W Soar Int 32C-2W-1T Laura Gordon Raise Your Horns Halestorm Pop Yes$
06/08 --- --- Solo Humano B/Int 40C 2W Debbie Ellis Humano David Civera Pop Yes
22/03 22/04B 21/11 Some Kind Of Wonderful Beg 32C-4W Gary O'Reilly Some Kind Of Wonderful Rod Stewart Pop Yes
09/09 09/09T --- Somebody Like You I-Adv 48C-2W Alan G. Birchall Somebody Like You Keith Urban Ctry Yes
08/07 --- --- Somedays Int 56C-?W Marilynne Delurey Some Days You Gotta Dance Dixie Chicks Ctry
07/02 --- --- Someone 2 Love Int 32C-2W Tim Gauci Someone To Love Shayne Ward Pop Yes
13/08 --- --- Something Beautiful I-Adv 32C-4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beautiful Paloma Faith Pop Yes
11/05 --- --- Something In The Water Beg 32C-4W Niels Poulsen Something In The Water Brooke Fraser Pop Yes
14/07 13/11M --- Somewhere In My Car Int 64C-2W Rachael McEnaney Somewhere In My Car Keith Urban Ctry Yes
14/03 --- --- Somewhere With You Int 32C-4W Junior Willis & Scott Schrank Somewhere With You Kenny Chesney Ctry Yes
12/11 12/10M --- Soul Fire H-Int 32C-4W Ria Vos Woo Anthony Hamilton Pop Yes
11/05 --- --- Soul Food Phr I-Adv 72C-1W Lorenzo Evans Collard Greens and Cornbread Fantasia RnB Yes
--- --- 22/07M Southern Dreams Int Maddison Glover I Dream In Southern Kaleb Lee, Kelly Clarkson Ctry Yes
24/07 --- --- Southern Gospel L Int 32C-4W Maddison Glover Southern Gospel Anne Wilson Ctry Yes
--- --- 23/01 Southern Soul Bounce Beg 32C 4W The King & I, Roy Verdonk & Ira Weisburd Southern Soul Bounce Ms. Jody Pop Yes
09/08 09/06 --- Speak With Your Heart Int 32C-4W Peter & Alison Don't Tell Me You're Not In Love Collin Raye Ctry Yes
--- --- 22/10W Sphinx (The) AdvABC 128C 2W 1T S Ward, R Hadisubroto, F Murray & R Lee Medellin Madonna & Malumma Pop Yes
--- 23/01 --- Spicy Margarita Imp 32C 3W Fred Whitehouse & Jean-Pierre Madge Floyd Wonder Spicy Margarita Pop Yes?
09/05 --- --- Spotlight Int 32C-4W Dee Musk Spotlight Jennifer Hudson Pop Yes
12/11 12/07 --- Springsteen Int 64C-2W Gail Smith Springsteen Eric Church Ctry Yes
09/04 --- --- Spy (I) Int 32C-4W Paul McAdam Checkin on Me Roisin Murphy Pop Yes
08/10 --- --- Squeeze Me In B-Int 32C-4W Johnny Montana Squeeze Me In Garth Brooks & Trisha Yearwood Ctry Yes
23/03 23/10 23/04 M Stand By Me Beg 32C 4W Raymond Sarlemijn, R Verdonk Stand By Me 45 Stars Pop Yes
22/10 --- --- Standing With You Int 64C-2W Lu Olsen Standing With You Guy Sebastien Pop Yes
--- --- 22/10M Standing With You Imp32C-4W Deborah O'Hara Standing With You Guy Sebastian Pop Yes
--- 18/02 --- Stars In The Night Sky H/Int 32C-2W Paul James Never Enough Loren Allred Pop Yes
11/10 --- --- Stars Tonight Beg 32C-2W Roz Chaplin Stars Tonight Lady Antebellum Ctry
08/04 --- --- Stay Another Day B/Int 32C-4W Robbie McGowan Hickie Tu No Sabes Selena Latin Yes
07/10 --- --- Stealing The Best Beg 32C-4W Rosie Multari Dance Above The Rainbow Ronan Hardiman Pop Yes
24/03 --- --- Stealing The Best - 20th Anniversary Esition! Beg 32C-4W Rosie Mulrari Dance Above the Rainbow Ronan Hardiman World No
--- --- 23/09M Steamboat Queen L Imp 32C-2W Niels Poulsen Riverboat Queen Refreshments(The) Pop Yes
08/06 --- --- Steppin' Stone Cha H-Beg 32C-4W Jo Thompson Szymanski Steppin' Stone Scooter Lee Ctry Yes
16/10 --- --- Stevie Ray Int 48C-4W Pam Conner Let Me Love You Baby Stevie Ray Vaughn Pop Yes
--- --- 22/04W Stilettos Int 64C-2W Fred Whitehouse & Shane McKeever High Heels John Duff & Lillias White Pop Yes
12/12 12/10 --- Still Love Me Tomorrow? Int 64C-4W Rachael McEnaney Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow Leslie Grace Pop Yes
11/11 --- --- Still Water Runs Deep Int 48C-4W Vivienne Scott & Kim Ray Still Water Eerland Bratland Pop Yes
09/04 09/03 --- Sting Me Int 32C-4W Pam Leader & Raymond Crum Jr. Sweet The Sting Tori Amos Pop Yes
15/10 16/01 --- Stitches Imp 32C-4W Amy Glass Stitches Shawn Mendes Pop Yes
13/10 13/08 --- Stompa L-Int 32C-4W Dan Morrison & Kate Henry Stompa Serena Ryder Pop Yes
--- --- 24/06 Wed Stop In the name of love Phr L-Adv 62C-1W Raymond Sarlemijn & Roy Verdonk Stop Sam Brown Pop Yes$
17/10 --- --- Stop And Drink Beg 32C-4W Rick Todd Stop And Drink George Strait Ctry No
24/06 24/07 MW Stomping Ground Int 32C-4W Armund Storsveen, Jo Thompson Szymanski Stomping Ground Hayley Jensen Ctry Yes $
22/07 22/06 22/06M Storm And Stone Imp 32C 4W Phr Maddison Glover Run Storm and Stone Pop Yes
--- --- 24/01M Story Told (A) Int 60C-2W Kate Sala A Love Song Lady A Pop Yes
--- --- 24/09M-W Straight Line Int 64C-2W Maggie Gallagher, Gary O'Reilly Straight Line Keith Urban Ctry Yes
12/07 12/06M --- Straight To Memphis Contra 48C-1W Kate Sala Straight To Memphis Club De Belugas Latin Yes
13/10 14/04B --- Straighten Up H-Int 32C-4W Jo Thompson Szymanski Straighten Up & Fly Right Neal McCoy Ctry Yes
09/12 --- --- Strappin' Saddles Beg 32C-1W Warren Mitchell Rocky Top Osborne Brothers (The) Ctry
16/01 15/11 16/02M Strip It Down Int 32C-4W Rachael McEnaney Strip It Down Luke Bryan Ctry Yes
12/12 13/01T --- Stuck I-Adv 32C-4W Rachael McEnaney & Joey Warren Stuck Nessa Morgan Pop Yes
11/08 --- 24/09 WC Stuck On Brooklyn H-Beg/E-Int 40C-4W Junior Willis Stuck Like Glue Sugarland Ctry
--- --- 23/07W Stuck On Repeat Adv-Phr 96C-3T F Whitehouse, S McKeever, D Betts & JP Madge Repeat Earl St. Claire Pop Yes ?
09/09 09/10 --- Stuff You Gotta Watch Int 48C-4W Michele Perron Stuff You Gotta Watch Levon Helm Ctry Yes
10/02 --- --- Stupid In Love Adv 32C-2W Rachael McEnaney Stupid In Love Rihanna Pop Yes
15/04 --- --- Such A Fool Beg 32C-4W Niels Poulsen Fool Such As I (A) Jason Donovan Pop Yes
2004/12 --- --- Suds In The Bucket Int 64C-4W Yvonne Anderson Suds In The Bucket Sara Evans Ctry Yes
15/12 16/01M --- Sugar Honey I.T. Int 32C-4W Johanna Barnes Sugar.Honey.Ice.Tea Charlie Wilson Pop Yes
09/01 08/12 --- Sugar Lips Int 48C-4W Junior Willis & John Robinson All I Want To Do Sugarland Ctry Yes
15/04 15/04 15/04T Sugar Rush Int 64C-2W Trevor Thornton Sugar Maroon 5 Pop Yes
13/09 --- --- Sugar Sugar B-Int 32C-4W Doug Miranda Sugar Sugar Archies (The) Pop Yes
14/06 --- --- Suicide Waltz Int/Adv Joey Warren, Debbie McLaughlin & Niels Poulsen Suicide James Arthur Pop Yes
--- 18/03 --- Sultry! Int 64C-2W Rob Fowler Perfidia John Altman Pop Yes
--- --- 23/10M Summer Of Luv Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins Summer Of Luv The Man Pop Yes
--- --- 24/10M Summer Sway Imp 32C-4W Cody Flowers, Rachael McEnaney, Lisa Utz Sway Danielle Bradbury Ctry Yes
09/12 --- --- Sunglasses I-Adv 64C-2W Tajali Hall Sunglasses Divine Brown Pop Yes
--- 22/12 22/12W Sunroof Beg 32C 4W Shane McKeever Sun Roof Nicky Youre, Dazy & Thomas Rhett Ctry Yes
12/12 12/10 --- Suntan City Beg 32C-4W Lisa M. Johns-Grose Suntan City Luke Bryan Ctry Yes
--- --- 24/09M Sway Imp_Phr 80C 2W Bonita Malone Sway Danielle Bradbery Ctry Yes$
08/01 --- --- Sway My Way Int Masters In Line Sway Bic Runga Pop Yes
--- --- 23/01 Sweet & Texas H/Beg 32C 4W 2R Séverine Fillion Don't Take Much Brian Kelley Ctry Yes
--- --- 21/12M Sweet Attraction Int 32C-4W Kate Sala, Dee Musk What Gave Me Away Trisha Yearwood, Garth Brooks Ctry Yes
17/11 18/03 --- Sweet Caroline Phr/Imp 56C-2W Darren Bailey, Amy Glass Sweet Caroline Neil Diamond Pop Yes
11/04 --- --- Sweet Like Cola Beg Francien Sittrop Sweet Like Cola Lou Bega Pop Yes
10/07 --- --- Sweet Little Things B-Int 32C-4W Andrew, Sheila & Vivienne Sweet Little Things Bad Boys Blue Pop Yes
13/02 --- --- Swing Baby Swing Beg 32C-4W Amy Christian Swing Baby David Ball Ctry Yes
--- --- 22/06W Swingin Praise Phr Adv Madison Glover, Shane McKeever Praise The Lord Breland World Yes
--- 23/01 --- Swore I Was Leaving Int 72C 2W Mark Furnell & Chris Godden Lady A Swore I Was Leaving Ctry Yes?
09/05 --- --- T'Morrow Never Knows Beg32C-2W Maggie Gallagher Tomorrow Never Knows Bruce Springsteen Pop Yes
--- 24/04 24/08 Take My Love Adv 48C-1W Jean-Pierre Madge I Have Nothing Whitney Houston Pop Yes$
12/01 --- --- Take U Home B-Int 32C-4W Junior Willis Wanna Take You Home Gloriana Pop Yes
11/03 --- --- Take This Waltz B-Int 48C-1W Ira Weisburd Take This Waltz Leonard Cohen Pop Yes
--- --- 22/06M Take You For Granted Int 60C-2W Amy Glass Granted Jaden Michaels Pop Yes
14/06 --- --- Talk Nasty Phr/Adv $8C-4W Debbie McLaughlin Nasty Pixie Lott Pop Yes
11/03 --- --- Talkin To The Moon H-Int 32C-4W Joey Warren Talkin To The Moon Bruno Mars Pop Yes
08/12 08/09 --- Tango Cha Int 32C-4W Jo Thompson Szymanski & Deborah Szekely Tango Jaci Velasquez World Yes
13/02 13/02 --- Tango de Pasion Int 64C-2W Kate Sala Tango De Pasion Anamor Ft. Toni Salazar Pop Yes
17/03 17/01 17/03M Tango With Me Darling Int 64C-4W Rob Fowler & Daniel Whittaker Tango Michael Nantel World Yes
13/03 11/01 --- Telepathy E-Int 64C-2W Chris Hodgson You Can’t Read My Mind By Toby Keith Ctry Yes
--- --- 23/07M Telling On My Heart Imp 32C-2W-1R Ria Vos Telling on My Heart Casey Donahew Ctry Yes
--- --- 23/07M Telling On My Heart Imp 32C-2W-1R Ria Vos Telling on My Heart Casey Donahew Ctry Yes
08/07 --- --- Tell Me Bout It I-Adv 32C-2W Rachael McEnaney Tell Me Bout It Joss Stone Ctry
24/07 --- --- Telling On My Heart Int 32C-2W Ria Vos Telling On My Heart Casey Donahew Ctry Yes
08/01 --- --- Temptation Int 48C-4W Peter & Alison Temptation Arash Ft. Rebecca Ctry
16/01 --- --- Tempted Int 32C-4W Fred Whitehouse Tempted Giorgio Moroder Pop Yes
11/03 09/09 --- Tennessee Waltz Surprise Beg 32C-2W Andy Chumbley Tennessee Waltz Ireen Sheer Ctry Yes
17/11 --- --- Tension Adv 64C-2W Gary O'Reilly, Maggie Gallagher Tension Fergie Pop Yes
--- --- 22/05M Texas Echo Imp Rob Fowler Texas Echo David Ball Ctry Yes
24/03 --- 24/02M Texas Hold 'Em Imp 32C-4W Guylaine Bourdages Texas Hold'Em Beyonce Ctry Yes$
18/06 --- 18/06 Texas Time E/Int 32C-4W Josh Talbot Texas Time Keith Urban Ctry Yes
15/02 15/03M --- Thank You (I) E-Int 32C-4W Michele Perron & Jo Thompson Szymanski Thank You (I) Lulu Pop Yes
--- 18/02 --- That Ceiling Feeling Int 64C-2W Rachael McEnaney-White Dancing On the Ceiling Nick Wells Pop Yes
23/10 23/10 --- That Honky Tonk Highway Beg 48C-4W Maggie Shipley Honky Tonk Highway Luke Combs Ctry Yes
14/10 --- --- That's How We Do Summertime Beg 32C-4W Brandon Zahorsky That’s How We Do Summertime Chasin Crazy Ctry


08/10 08/07 --- That's Right Mambo B-Int 40C-4W Max Perry Man Smart, Woman Smarter Dr. Victor Pop Yes
--- 22/12 22/12M Thelma Int 68C/2w Darren Bailey Trouble With Capital "T" Tommy Townsend Ctry Yes
--- --- 22/10M Them Boots Int 32C 4W 2R Jo & Anna Thompson Szymanski Them Boots Dusty Black World Yes
09/01 08/11 --- Think About It Adv 64C-2W Joey Warren Let Me Think About It Ida Corr Vs. Fedde Le Grand Pop Yes
17/** --- --- Think I'm Sexy Int 64C-2W-1R Rachael McEnaney-White, Laura Lopez Da Ya Think I'm Sexy Rod Stewart Pop Yes
16/02 16/02B --- Thinkin' Country Beg 48C-4W Simon Ward What Was I Thinkin' Dierks Bentley Ctry Yes
09/02 09/08 --- This & That Beg 32C-4W Gary Lafferty Woman, Sensuous Woman Mark Chesnutt Ctry Yes
12/08 --- --- This Ain't Over I-Adv 32C-4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris This Ain't Over McClymonts (The) Ctry Yes
13/12 --- --- This Is Me Imp 64C-4W Yvonne Anderson This Is Me Missing You James House Ctry Yes
11/10 --- --- This Life A-Beg 32C-4W Rosie Multari Dynamite Taio Cruz Pop Yes
08/05 --- --- Those Applebottom Jeans I-Adv 64C-4W Joey Warren Low Flo Rida Pop Yes
15/04 14/11B Those Were The Days H-Beg 32C-2W Daniel Whittaker & Rob Fowler Those Were The Days Hermes House Band Pop Yes
08/09 --- --- Thousand Kisses (A) Int 64C-1W Paul McAdam Never Too Much Luther Vandross Pop Yes
09/10 --- --- Thrill Chasin' Int 64C-2W Shaz Walton Chasing A Thrill Jeanette Pop Yes
11/09 --- --- Thrill Is Gone (The) H-Int 48C-2W Jo & John Kinser Thrill Is Gone (The) Beverly McClellan Pop Yes
12/07 12/08T --- Through The Fire Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins and Jo Thompson Szymanski Through The Fire Lina Pop Yes
22/04 --- --- Through Your Eyes Imp 48C-4W Maggie Gallagher Through Your Eyes Morgan Wade Ctry Yes
13/11 13/01M --- Throw Away The Key Int 68C-2W Peter & Alison Wake Me Up Helene Fischer Pop Yes
11/08 11/08 --- Throw The Dice Phr/Adv 64C-2W Joey Warren Hit Me Up Danny Fernandes Pop Yes
--- 18/06 18/05B Throwback Beg 32C-4W Adrian Churm The Way You Look Tonight Maroon 5 Pop Yes
--- 22/04I 22/04W Throwback Song Int 32C-4W Jo Thompson & Cody Flowers Celebrate Ingrid Michaelson Pop Yes
--- --- 22/08M Tick Tock, Tick Tock Int 48C 2W 1T Rhoda Lai Tick Tock Clean Bandit Pop Yes
15/06 15/08B --- Ticket To The Blues Beg 32C-4W Niels Poulsen One Way Ticket Eruption Pop Yes
--- 18/02M --- Tightrope Int 96C-2W Maggie Gallagher Tightrope Michelle Williams Pop Yes
--- --- 22/05M Til The Neon's Gone Imp 32C-4W Darren Bailey Til the Neon's Gone Josh Mirenda Ctry Yes

22/04I 22/04M Til You Can't Int Gary O'Reilly 'Til You Can't Cody Johnson Ctry Yes
--- --- 23/9W Til You're Home Otto's Waltz Adv 96C-2W G David, R Verdonk & Jef Camps Til You're Home Rita Wilson & Sebastián Yatra Pop Yes
24/03 --- 24/02 Tippin It Up H/Beg 32C-4W Gary O'Reilly Tippin It Up To Nancy Sean Magee World Yes
11/08 --- --- To Be Loved H-Int 64C-4W Robbie McGowan Hickie Loved Edei Pop Yes
13/01 12/12T --- To Eternity H-Int 32C-2W Niels Poulsen & Simon Ward Hold On Michael Buble Pop Yes
--- 23/10 --- To Know Me Int 32C-2W Alison Metelnick & Peter Metelnick To Know Me Lauren Daigle Ctry Yes$
18/01 --- --- To The Moon and Back Int 32C-2W Gary O'Reilly & Debbie Rushton Moon & Back Alice Kristiansen Pop Yes
09/04 --- --- Toes Imp 32C-4W Rachael McEnaney Toes Zac Brown Band Ctry Yes
--- 22/04M 22/04M Tonight We Dance Beg 32C-4W Heather Barton When You Dance With Me Britt Hammond Ctry Yes
--- 23/09 --- Tonight You're Lucky Imp 48C-4W Kevin Formosa Lucky Megan Moroney Ctry Yes
08/06 08/07 --- Too Deep Int+ 32C-4W Scott Blevins Skin Divers Duran Duran Pop Yes
--- --- 24/09WC Too Drunk To Drive Beg 32C 2W K Sholes, Shirley Blankenship Too Drunk To Drive Luke Bryan Ctry Yes$
08/03 --- --- Tornero Italiano Int Andrew Kennedy Tornero Paul London World Yes
08/01 --- --- Touch & Go ??? 48C_?W Dave Ingram Love Potion #9 Hansel Martinez Pop
08/10 --- --- Trashed Beg 32C-4W Rafel Corbi Let's Get Trashed Mica Roberts & Toby Keith Ctry Yes
13/03 --- --- Treasure Int 64C-2W Craig Bennett & Linda McCormack Treasure Bruno Mars Pop Yes
24/03 --- --- Tree(The) Int 16C-4W Maddison Glover The Tree Maren Morris Ctry Yes$
08/04 --- --- Trickle Trickle Beg 32C-4W Michele Burton & Michael Barr Trickle Trickle Manhattan Transfer (The) Pop Yes
17/10 --- --- Trompeta Int 64C-2W-2R-1T Gary O'Reilly, Guillaume Richard & Neils Poulsen Trompeta Tom Boxer & Morena/td> Pop Yes
10/06 10/08 --- Trouble Is H-Int 48C-4W Scott Blevins Trouble Is Allison Iraheta Pop Yes
08/02 --- --- True Int 64C-4W Robert Lindsay Verdarero David Civera World Yes
--- --- 18/05B True Love, George Beg 32C-4W Rosie Multari The Way You Look Tonight Maroon 5 Pop Yes
10/10 10/09 --- True Love Two Step Int Jo Thompson Szymanski, Michael Barr & Michele Burton True Love Nancy Hays Ctry Yes
23/06 23/04 --- Tucson Too Late Imp 48C 2 1RW Maddison Glover Tucson Too Late/td> Jordan Davis Ctry Yes ?
16/02 16/02 --- Tuesday Blues H-Int 64C-2W Simon Ward Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues (I) Elton John Pop Yes
23/03 --- --- Tulsa King Imp 32C 4W Cody Flowers (USA) & Wendie Smith Tulsa Elle King Pop Yes ?
--- --- 11/02 Tutti Frutti Imp 48C-4W Rob Fowler Tutti Fruiti Elvis Presley Pop
13/05 13/05 --- Twinkle Phr-Int 64C-4W Rhoda Lai Twinkle TaeTiSeo Pop Yes
15/06 --- --- Twinkle Waltz Beg Daniel Whittaker Les Bicyclettes De Belsize Engelbert Humperdink Pop Yes
15/02 15/03T --- Twisted Sister Adv Guyton Mundy She Keeps Me Up Nickelback Pop Yes
09/07 --- --- U Turn Imp 32C-4W Robbie McGowan Hickie Your Heart Turned Left (And I Was On The Right) Jason Allen Ctry Yes
--- 11/05 --- Unchain My Heart Imp 32C-4W Dee Musk Unchain My Heart Joe Cocker Pop Yes
17/01 16/01B --- Under The Moon of Love Beg 48C-4W Rachael McEnaney-White Under The Moon Of Love Showaddywaddy Pop Yes
11/05 Unchain My Heart Beg Dee Musk Unchain My Heart Joe Cocker Pop Yes
17/01 16/01B --- Under The Moon of Love Beg 48C-4W Rachael McEnaney-White Under The Moon Of Love Showaddywaddy Pop Yes
10/04 --- --- Under The Sun Beg 32C-2W Kathy Chang & Sue Hsu Under The Sun (Radio Edit) Tim Tim Pop Yes
14/03 --- --- Undefeated Imp 64C-4W Guyton Mundy Undefeated Jason Derulo Pop Yes
--- 14/09 --- Undo Int 32C-4W Helena Jeppsson Undo Sanna Nielsen Pop Yes
08/02 --- --- Unfaithful Int 32C-2W Craig Bennett Unfaithful Rihanna Pop Yes
--- --- 23/12M UnPoquito Imp 32C-4W Rachael McEnaney (USA) & Jo Thompson Szymanski Un Poquito Diego Torres & Carlos Vives Latin Yes$
10/11 10/09 --- Unpredictable Int Robbie McGowan Hickie & Karl-Harry Winson Two More Lonely People Miley Ray Cyrus Pop Yes
--- 23/03 --- Up In Your Giddy Beg 24C 4W 1R Dan Moon Giddy Up! Shania Twain Ctry Yes
--- --- 18/08M Uphill Battle Int 32C-2W Joey Warren Uphill Battle Rozzi Pop Yes
--- 23/09 23/11M Useless Excuses H/Int 32C-4W Ria Vos I Did This To Me Brett Young Ctry Yes
09/10 --- --- Vaya Con Dios Imp 48C-4W Maggie Gallagher Vaya Con Dios Freddy Fender Ctry Yes
24/06 --- 24/06 Vibe Check Int 32C-4W Debbie Rushton Vibe Check LÒNIS & Little League Pop Yes$
--- --- 18/02B VIP Imp 32C-4W Dwight Meesen I Like It Robbie Nevil Pop Yes
--- --- 24/10M Yes$
--- 14/03 --- Voodoo Me Baby Beg 32C-4W Jill Babinec & Julie Ellis Voodoo Voodoo Mike Sanchez & His Band Pop Yes
--- --- 23/01W Vulnerable Adv 32C 4W Fiona Murray & Roy Hadisubroto Foy Vance Sapling Pop Yes
13/10 13/02 13/04M Wagon Wheel Rock Imp E-Int 64C-4W Yvonne Anderson Wagon Wheel Nathan Carter Ctry Yes
23/08 --- --- Waiting on you L/Adv 32C-2W-1R/td> Maggie Gallagher, Gary O'Reilly Celine Dion Waiting On You Pop Yes$
--- 14/02 --- Wake Me Up L-Int 32C-4W Double Trouble Wake Me Up Avicii Pop
--- 15/03 --- Wakey Wakey E-Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins & Jo Thompson Szymanski Woke Up (I) One-T Pop Yes
10/06 10/06 --- Wakira Int 32C-4W Maggie Gallagher Waka Waka (This Time For Africa) Shakira Featuring Freshlyground Pop Yes
--- 14/08 14/01M Walk Alone Int 64C-4W Kate Sala & Robbie McGowan Hickie Walk Alone (I) Cher Pop Yes
08/07 --- --- Walk of Life Beg Rachael McEnaney Walk Of Life Shooter Jennings Ctry Yes
09/05 --- --- Walk With Me Imp 48C-2W Rob Fowler Would You Go With Me Josh Turner Ctry Yes
10/01 --- --- Walk With Me Adv32C-4W Cato Larsen Walk With Me Michael Learns To Rock Pop Yes
09/11 --- --- Walkin' The Dog Imp 32C-4W Juliet Hauser Walking The Dog Rufus Thomas Ctry Yes
09/02 09/02 --- Wanna Be Elvis Imp 32C-4W Robbie McGowan Hickie Elvis Tonight Jason Allen Ctry Yes
09/03 Wanna Dance Beg 32C-4W Peter & Alison Do Ya Wanna Dance Cliff Richard Pop Yes
12/03 12/04 12/03 Watch It Burn Int 32C-4W Will Craig Set Fire To The Rain Adele Pop Yes
--- --- 23/09M Waterfall Imp 32C-2W-1T Maggie Gallagher Waterfall Michael Schulte & R3HAB Pop Yes$
2003/07 --- --- Wave on Wave Imp 32C-2W Alan Birchall Wave on Wave Pat Green Ctry Yes
--- 15/03 --- Way You Look (The) Int 64C-4W D. Bailey, F. Whitehouse, R. Sarlemijn Way You Look at Me (The) Vinten ft Clarence Coffee Pop Yes
09/02 --- --- Way You Look (The) Int 32C-4W Craig Bennett Something About The Way You Look Tonight Elton John Pop Yes
--- 15/11 ---We Get One Shot Imp 48C-4W Daniel Trepat, Rob Fowler, Darren Bailey One Shot Rob Thomas Ctry Yes
15/03 14/12 --- We Only Live Once Int Robbie McGowan Hickie We Only Live Once Shannon Nole Pop Yes
--- 13/12 --- Weep Adv 64C-2W Guyton Mundy Relax My Beloved Alex Claire Pop Yes
--- 13/07 --- We're Not Broken Adv ?C-?W Dan McInherney Just Give Me A Reason Pink Pop Yes
--- 18/03 --- We'll Stay Young Int 48C-4W Gary O'Reilly, Guillaume RICHARD & Shane McKeever The Rest of Our Life Tim McGraw & Faith Hill Ctry Yes
--- 23/11 --- We Got This Phr/Int 96C-2W D Rushton, D Bailey, JM Belloque V & G Richard I Got It Ryan Innes Pop Yes$
22/04 22/05 22/04M Were Good To Go Beg 32C-4W Rob Fowler Good To Go Lonis Pop Yes
22/04 22/10 21/11M What A Song Can Do Imp 32C-4W H Barton, A Hayes What A Song Can Do Lady A Ctry No*
--- --- 24/10W Yes$
--- 18/03 --- What Makes You Country Beg 32C-4W Rob Holley What Makes You Country Luke Bryan Ctry Yes
08/05 07/07 --- Whatever Happens Int 48C-2W Liz Bogan & Ron Kline Whatever Happens Michael Jackson & Carlos Santana Pop Yes
--- 11/03 11/04 What's Up Lonely Int 48C-4W Gerard Murphy What’s Up Lonely Kelly Clarkson Pop Yes
08/09 08/10 --- When I Grow Up Int 64C-2W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris When I Grow Up Pussycat Dolls Pop Yes
22/06 22/06 22/06 When The Night Falls H-Beg 32C-4W Rosie Multari Nightfalls Keith Urban Ctry Yes
08/04 When You Believe Int 32C-2W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris When You Believe Leon Jackson Pop Yes
22/12 --- --- When You're Drunk H/Imp 48C-2W Heather Barton (SCO) & Glynn Rodgers I Hate You When You're Drunk Olly Murs Pop Yes$
10/05 10/06 --- Where I Belong Beg 32C-4W Maggie Gallagher That's Where I Belong Alan Jackson Ctry Yes
--- 13/06 13/06M Where We Belong I/Adv 48C-2W Rachael McEnaney & Simon Ward Up Where We Belong Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes Pop Yes
--- --- 21/11 Where Oh Where Imp 32C-4W Jo Thompson Szymanski Where Did My Baby Go Kenny Wayne Pop No
--- 16/03 --- Whip It Adv 64C-2W Shane McKeever & Rachael McEnaney-White Whip It! Chloe Angelides & Lunchmoney Lewis Pop Yes
18/04 18/05 18/04B Whiskey Bridges Beg 32C-4W Maddison Glover Whiskey Under The Bridge Brooks & Dunn Ctry Yes
09/05 09/03 --- Whiter Than White H-Int 32C-4W Kim Ray Whiter Shade Of Pale (A) Annie Lennox Pop Yes
--- 23/09 23/08M Who Needs To Know Int 32C-2W-1T Joshua Talbot No One Needs To Know Shania Twain Ctry Yes$
--- --- 23/08W Whoomp! Int 32C-4W-1T Alison & Peter Metelnick Skinny Beats This Feeling Pop Yes$
--- --- 23/08W Whoomp! L Imp 32C-2W Debbie Rushton There It Is (Whoomp) The Vega Brothers Pop Yes
01/02 --- 01/04 Whole Again B/Int 32C-2W Sue Johnstone Whole Again Atomic Kitten Pop Yes
10/04 09/12 09/12 Why Don't We Just Dance Int 64C-2W Peter & Alison Why Don't We Just Dance Josh Turner Ctry Yes
--- 24/01 24/08 Why Don't You Stay Adv 48C-2W Cody Flowers Stay Sugarland Pop Yes$
09/10 --- --- Why So Serious?? Int 48C-4W Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Say It Booty Luv Pop Yes
15/01 15/03 --- Why Wait Beg 24C-4W Nathalie Di Vito Why Wait Rascal Flatts Ctry Yes
10/05 10/03 --- Wild Int Craig Bennett Wild Horses Soo-Bo feat Tee Webb Pop Yes
22/06 22/06 --- Wild Child Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins Wild Child The Black Keys Pop Yes
--- --- 23/10M Wild Goodbye (A) Int 32C-4W Brandon Zahorsky Trevor Thornton Goodbye’s Kickin’In Brothers Osborne Ctry Yes$
--- --- 24/01M Wild World Int 32C-2W-2T Maddison Glover Justin Serrao Wild World Pop Yes$
--- 11/10 --- Windmill Waltz Beg 27C-2W Peter Douglas Mexican Wind Jann Brown Ctry Yes
--- 12/12 12/11T Windy City Waltz Int Ward, Vos, Bailey Love You (I) Faith Hill Ctry Yes
--- 24/06 --- Wish I Never Felt Imp 48C-4W Shane McKeever Wish I Never Felt Nate Smith Ctry Yes$
--- 11/10 --- Witchcraft Beg 32C-4W Lynne Martino Witchcraft Frank Sinatra Pop Yes
12/04 12/03 12/04 Without Fire Int 64C-4W Karl Harry Winson No Smoke Michelle Lawson Pop Yes
15/08 15/08 --- Witness Phr/Adv 80C-1W Fred Whitehouse & Darren Bailey Witness Daughtry Pop Yes
--- 23/09 --- Without The Memories Int 48C-2W Niels Poulsen Home Movies Lukas Graham & Mickey Guyton Ctry Yes
--- 11/06 --- Wobble Imp 32C-4W Vic Brentnell Wobble V.I.C. Pop Yes
--- --- 24/09-WC Yes$
--- 12/11 12/10M Wom Bom Bom Int 64C-2W P McAdam & C Bennett Bom Bom (Radio Edit) Sam And The Womp Pop
07/02 --- --- Won't Be Crying (I) Int 64C-2W Teresa Lawrence & Vera Fisher I Won't Be Crying Infernal Pop No
12/10 12/10 --- Won't Let You Go (I) Int 64C-2W Simon Ward Won’t Let You Go (I) James Morrison Pop Yes
22/03 --- 22/10M Won't You Dance With Me Beg 32C 4W Brenda Holcomb Dance with Me Niko Moon Ctry Yes
08/09 --- --- Wonderful Imp/Int 32C-2W Paul McAdam Wonderful Annie Lennox Pop Yes
10/11 10/11 --- Wonderland Waltz Imp 48C-2W Rob Fowler Welcome To Mystery Plain White T's Pop Yes
--- 12/09 --- Wonderwall Imp 32C-2W Jaci Gecelter Wonderwall Paul Anka Pop
12/10 12/10 --- Won't Be Crying (I) Int 64C-2W Teresa Lawrence & Vera Fisher I Won't Be Crying Infernal Pop No
12/10 12/10 --- Won't Let You Go (I) Int 64C-2W Simon Ward Won’t Let You Go (I) James Morrison Pop Yes
22/04 --- --- Work Done Int 32C-2W Jose MB Vane, Rhoda Lai & J Liberman Work Done M Gorga, P Williams & S Morgan) Pop Yes
--- --- 23/10M Work The World Ph/Adv 100C 1W Rebecca Lee, Mark Furnell & Chris Godden Time Machine Werq The World Pop
2005/09 --- --- World (The) B/Int 64C 4W Maggie Gallagher World (The) Brad Paisley Ctry
--- 15/07 --- Worth It Phr-Adv 48C-2W Linda McCormack & Maddison Glover Worth It Fifth Harmony Pop Yes
13/10 13/08 13/07T Wow Tokyo Int 64C-2W Ria Vos, Kate Sala Don't Care What You Say (I) Anthony Callea Pop Yes
--- 23/05 23/10 Wreckage Int 32C-2W-2R-1T Fred Whitehouse Shane McKeever Down On Your Uppers Derek Ryan Pop Yes ?
08/08 --- --- Write This Down Beg 32C-4W Laura Kampschroeder Write This Down George Strait Ctry Yes
--- 13/10 13/11M Wrong Side Slide Int 64C-4W Jill Babinec & Jo Thompson Szymanksi Wrong Side Nic Cowan Pop Yes
15/09 15/04 15/06T WTF (What The France) Adv 64C-2W Fred Whitehouse, Darren Bailey, Joey Warren Want To Want Me Jason Derulo Pop Yes
08/08 --- --- Yer Groove Thing Imp 32C-4W Heather Frye Shake Your Groove Thing Peaches & Herb Pop Yes
15/03 15/01 15/01M Yes! Int 80C-2W Simon Ward & Jo Thompson Szymanski Yes Merry Clayton Pop Yes
09/02 08/09 --- Yes Please H-Int 40C-4W Kim Ray Can I Hold You Mark Medlock Ctry Yes
22/03 --- --- Yes Sir L-Int 32C-4W Mark Paulino & Landon Purvis Country Boy Things Canaan Smith Ctry Yes
09/08 09/07 --- You And I Phr-Int 64C-4W Oli Geir & Hugrun Someday Hera Bjork World Yes
18/01 --- --- You Are The Reason Adv 32C-2W-2R-1T Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris You Are The Reason Calum Scott Pop Yes
09/08 09/09 --- You Belong With Me Imp 32C-2W Jan Wyllie You Belong With Me Taylor Swift Ctry Yes
--- --- 24/06W You Betta Get It E-Int 32C-4W Scott Blevins Get It Big Boss Vette Pop Yes
22/04 --- --- You Can Rest Int Gary O'Reilly You Can Rest Hillary Scott Ctry Yes
08/06 --- --- You Look Good In My Shirt Beg 32C-4W Roma's Rebels You Look Good In My Shirt Keith Urban Ctry Yes
--- 23/11 --- You Put A Spell On Me H/Int 32C-2W Jossuha MORIAU & Luna VALERIOTI You Put A Spell On Me Austin Giorgio Pop Yes$
10/12 10/10 --- You're Amazing Int 64C-2W Guyton Mundy Just The Way You Are Bruno Mars Pop Yes
10/08 10/07 --- You're Making Me Hot Hot Hot Int 48C-4W Helena Jeppsson Hot Hot Hot Linda Pritchard Pop Yes
--- --- 22/04M You're My Favorite Int 32C-4W Jo Thompson Szymanski You're My Favorite Jason Jones Ctry Yes
10/03 --- --- You're Not From Texas Phr-Beg ?C-1W Connie Taylor That's Right (You're Not From Texas) Lyle Lovett Ctry Yes
--- 15/06 15/07T You're Not The Boss of Me Phr-Adv 68C-1W Simon Ward & Niels Poulsen You Don't Own Me Grace Pop Yes
16/02 15/05 15/06 Your Loving Arms ??LEV 32C-4W Vikki Morris Thinking Out Loud Ed Sheeran Pop Yes
10/12 --- --- Zatchu Beg 32C-2W Beth Webb & Peter Blaskowski Zat You, Santa Claus? Garth Brooks Ctry
--- 14/07 14/09M Zee Zee Int 48C-2W Ria Vos & Vivienne Scott If I Could Be Her ZZ Ward Pop Yes
10/08 10/09 --- Zenyatta's Waltz Int 48C-2W Michele Burton Fire Escape Diane Birch Pop Yes
08/07 07/11 --- Zjozzys Funk Imp 32C-2W Petra van de Velden Bacco Per Bacco Zucchero World Yes
22/06 --- 22/05W Zig Zag Int 32C-4W S Blevins, F Whitehouse Zig Zag Fitz and The Tantrums Pop Yes